I think my son has Salmonella!

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I just saw this story on the news, & tossed the peanut butter I had been using…I couldn’t figure out why I had been spiking fevers with what I thought was a 😦 stomach flu…
If anybody else out there has been showing symptoms & has this PB in the house, please, please, heed the warnings. While I was only somewhat miserable because of this, there are others, like kids & the elderly, who could become seriously ill.
They said on TV tonight, that if you have what you think is “just stomach flu”, you wouldn’t be spiking a temperature…I just thought it was a weird virus.
Peter Pan has just lost a customer. The batch that was tainted may have been packaged as much as 6 months ago…and they:rolleyes: just now noticed that people were getting sick???
That was my thought too. It had to take 300 people to get sick to see a connection? I think they waited to long…but what do I know? There may be more to it but it is hard to have compassion for the company when we have been changing explosive diapers for the last week! 😛
Peter Pan has just lost a customer. The batch that was tainted may have been packaged as much as 6 months ago…and they:rolleyes: just now noticed that people were getting sick???
That was my thought too. It had to take 300 people to get sick to see a connection? I think they waited to long…but what do I know? There may be more to it but it is hard to have compassion for the company when we have been changing explosive diapers for the last week! 😛
Yeah, well…I guess I have a:mad: bad attitude toward :mad: corporations.I tend to suspect them,😉 before I get sick, if you know what I mean??
But I was actually glad to see that you had posted about this, & that people were on it, getting rid of the stuff. All I could think, when I heard this on the news, was of all the peopole like you, with little kids, who had no idea that there could be anything in the peanut butter to make anybody sick. What could be more innocent than a PB&J?
I was told absolutely no Immodium AD or anything liek that. It actually hinders the process of the Salmonella getting out of the body!

I gave that to him for 2 days not knowing. :eek:

Who knew?
Yeah that happens. I’ve done stuff like that too.

On the subject of why it took so long, it’s hard to know if it is a case of cross contamination. There are so many places it could be picked up from farm to processor to store to home. Not to mention it could happen to so many different items. First is going to have to be a check of stuff like chicken and eggs. One doesn’t know how many of the lot could have been contaminated, it could take a lot of samples to figure it out. Investigations just take time. At least it was Conagra, and they aren’t going to go under, hopefully you can get some compensation.

Keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn’t get too dehydrated. Prayers for your family.
We have a huge jar with that code on the lid, mostly eaten already, over the past month or so. I don’t recall any problems associated with eating the PB, but I’m not going to finish the jar.

I did find out that you can get a refund by sending just the lid with the code on it to:

ConAgra Foods
P.O. Box 57078
Irvine, CA 92619-7078
Remember that nobody has actually found Salmonella in a jar of peanut butter yet. The only reason why this is in the news is because, after examining hundreds of cases, the CDC just found a statistical correlation between Salmonella cases and Peter Pan peanut butter.

Also, it’s the CDC that conducts these investigations, not the peanut butter company. The peanut butter company doesn’t have the ability to investigate such things, because they don’t have the records that would allow them to find such a correlation.

So if you’re in the mood to boycott someone, blame the CDC and move to another country :rolleyes:

That was my thought too. It had to take 300 people to get sick to see a connection? I think they waited to long…but what do I know? There may be more to it but it is hard to have compassion for the company when we have been changing explosive diapers for the last week! 😛
Now wait a minute Mr. Jeff,

I don’t know who to blame at this point. It may be some kiddo who sneezed on a toy that my son touched!

I don’t remember saying anything about boycotting but in my own mind I will associate peanut butter with those many explosive poopy diapers we have been changing at 1, 2, 3,4 AM.

At this point I am not even talking about Peter Pan, right now ANY peanut butter sounds gross!

If YOUR child was sick for days and days and a recall came out, with even a slight correlation of symptoms, wouldn’t you be concerned too? Honestly?

Even if the tests come out positive the important thing is that my little guy is okay in the end. End of story. Period.

I don’t care who researches an outbreak, it could be the man on the moon for all I care, I just want to make sure other children don’t feel as bad as my 2 year old.

I’m sure you can understand that.

And why would I want to leave the country? You trying to get rid of me? Maybe YOU should move to another country! So there! 😉
Remember that nobody has actually found Salmonella in a jar of peanut butter yet. The only reason why this is in the news is because, after examining hundreds of cases, the CDC just found a statistical correlation between Salmonella cases and Peter Pan peanut butter.

Also, it’s the CDC that conducts these investigations, not the peanut butter company. The peanut butter company doesn’t have the ability to investigate such things, because they don’t have the records that would allow them to find such a correlation.

So if you’re in the mood to boycott someone, blame the CDC and move to another country :rolleyes:

I, too, advise caution before ascribing blame. There are a lot of people working for Peter Pan, and if the corporation folds because of public distrust, all those people will be out of work. Very sad. And it may not even be their fault. The PB may not have anything to do with the outbreak.

It’s fairly easy to get Salmonella. One of the biggest culprits is meat that sits out; e.g., turkey or chicken from your Christmas or New Year’s dinner. Grandma lets it sit out on the table and everyone helps themselves to it all afternoon–YECH!! Ideally when everyone has their slice of turkey at the dinner table, that turkey should go back into the frig immediately! Tradition, Schmadition!

Also potluck dishes at covered dinners can become contaminated and lead to Salmonella.

Since Salmonella is fairly common (we see it at least once a week in our lab), it’s not surprising that an outbreak wasn’t detected right away. Health care people don’t like to jump on this too fast. Outbreaks mean panic, lawsuits, testifying in court, shutdown of companies, loss of jobs, etc. So we tend to wait just a little before alarming the public. Often the cases turn out to be sporadic rather than linked to a common source.

Your local health dept will do all the detective work and hopefully will track down the source.

Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Agh! I’m not ascribing blame. I swear!

Who wouldn’t be frustrated if they thought a product they gave their kids may have made them sick?

I am aware of the problems that would follow for that manufacturer. I am not going to sue anyone. I don’t want anyone to lose their jobs. But a certain degree of panic is unavoidable when you see a correlation between sickness and a recalled product.

On the otherhand, IF it is found out that someone was lazy and not watching quality control, then I would want someone to be responsbile.

My father worked in a frozen food packaging company and he halted the packaging line because the food was not being frozen in a safe manner and could lead to similar problems. He was told by management that if he did it again he would lose his job. Sure enough, it happened again and he was fired. To this day he will never eat that brand of products again.

I know Salmonella is common. I am smart enough to realize that. I am just a concerned customer, consumer and mommy.
I, too, advise caution before ascribing blame. There are a lot of people working for Peter Pan, and if the corporation folds because of public distrust, all those people will be out of work. Very sad. And it may not even be their fault. The PB may not have anything to do with the outbreak.

It’s fairly easy to get Salmonella. One of the biggest culprits is meat that sits out; e.g., turkey or chicken from your Christmas or New Year’s dinner. Grandma lets it sit out on the table and everyone helps themselves to it all afternoon–YECH!! Ideally when everyone has their slice of turkey at the dinner table, that turkey should go back into the frig immediately! Tradition, Schmadition!

Also potluck dishes at covered dinners can become contaminated and lead to Salmonella.

Since Salmonella is fairly common (we see it at least once a week in our lab), it’s not surprising that an outbreak wasn’t detected right away. Health care people don’t like to jump on this too fast. Outbreaks mean panic, lawsuits, testifying in court, shutdown of companies, loss of jobs, etc. So we tend to wait just a little before alarming the public. Often the cases turn out to be sporadic rather than linked to a common source.

Your local health dept will do all the detective work and hopefully will track down the source.

Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Okay, I admit it. Holy Defensive Batman.
Sorry Jeff. :o
I just don’t want anyone to think I am an alarmist, attention getter or a lawsuit waiting to happen. I just have genuine concern for my little guy.
I mean I AM the same woman who have MORE peanut butter to the kiddo 3 days ago because I thought he needed some protein to keep up his strength up! :eek:

Sorry for getting defensive. I know alot of people are praying for Stephen. And I am really, truly, grateful.

We are awaiting the results of the culture as of right now he is hydrated well and has only lost a little weight from the loose (understatement of the year) stools.

I am working with the doctor and the Board of Health just called this morning to check on him! 🙂

Thanks again!
Now wait a minute Mr. Jeff,

I don’t know who to blame at this point. It may be some kiddo who sneezed on a toy that my son touched!

I don’t remember saying anything about boycotting but in my own mind I will associate peanut butter with those many explosive poopy diapers we have been changing at 1, 2, 3,4 AM.

At this point I am not even talking about Peter Pan, right now ANY peanut butter sounds gross!

If YOUR child was sick for days and days and a recall came out, with even a slight correlation of symptoms, wouldn’t you be concerned too? Honestly?

Even if the tests come out positive the important thing is that my little guy is okay in the end. End of story. Period.

I don’t care who researches an outbreak, it could be the man on the moon for all I care, I just want to make sure other children don’t feel as bad as my 2 year old.

I’m sure you can understand that.

And why would I want to leave the country? You trying to get rid of me? Maybe YOU should move to another country! So there! 😉
here in WNY they stated on the news that there have been 9 cases related to the tainted PB reported.

DH came home from work yesterday and told me to check the pantry for it because I have a compromised immune system and he didn’t want me to have any problems over the weekend with my MD’s office closed.

I will definitely keep everyone affected by this including the little ones in my prayers this weekend. God bless.

PS: lynnie- is your son able to tolerate those frozen pedialyte pops to keep himself hydrated? I use them myself at times and it helps when I can’t tolerate drinking liquids.
I am totally snowed in. Except for a case of life & death, where the EMTs would come for me, I can’t get out of my house to get anything tested–me, nor the peanut butter either.
But this much I know:
  1. I have been sick repeatedly for several weeks.
  2. All my symptoms match salmonaella.
    3 .I got rid of the Peter Pan.
  3. No more symptoms, since I quit using it.
Now, there may be people who say, “oh, it could be anything”. I don’t care!!! I was sick when I was eating the peanut butter, & have been getting better since I quit.
Peter Pan let this stuff sit in stores for over 6 months while people were getting sick. I have eaten Peter Pan peanut butter for well over a half centrury, it was always my favorite. I will never buy their peanut butter again.
There is, IMNSHO, no way on earth that they did not have any knowledge of this. They may not have been sure. But they knew, the CDC would have got in touch with them
before the general public was aware of this. All their peanut butter should have been pulled as soon as the CDC contaacted them.
Con Agra has behaved irresponsibley, & a lot of people have been made ill as a result. We are just fortunate that it was salmonella & not some more virulent form of food poisoning. I will use the other Con Agra products in my pantry, but when they are gone, I will make it a point to avoid them as much as possible.
If I could afford to toss everything from Con Agra right now, I would. I don’t ask for my money back. I don’t expect a public apology.
I do expect the food supply to be kept safe. Letting tainted food sit on store shelves for half a year doesn’t cut it.
I am ahttp://bestsmileys.com/angry1/4.gif cranky http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/4.gifoldhttp://bestsmileys.com/angry1/4.gif lady, and http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/4.gifI don’t mind who http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/4.gifknows it!!!

All those with health concerns who have been affected, as well as all those with little children: I will be praying for you. If this had happened in 2004 instead of 2007,before my heart surgery, I would almost certainly be hospitalized (at best), & have passed on to my final rewards (at worst). believe me, therefore, when I say, I know your situation & am deeply concerned.
God bless all here.
Yeah, well…I guess I have a:mad: bad attitude toward :mad: corporations.I tend to suspect them,😉 before I get sick, if you know what I mean??
Yes. Corporations are awful. Without them we could buy nothing at the store but at least we would not get sick.
I didn’t realize so many people like Peter Pan, I’ve bought Skippy for so many years. I tired PP before and didn’t really like it.

I know that has nothing to do with this thread, it just made me think of it.

Lynnie, I do hope your little guy is ok for heavens sake. How awful. Please post when you get the results. I thought I had heard they knew it was Peter Pan, they had already tested a jar of it? Did I hear wrong?

How is your son? I know they said this morning on the news that it was definitely the PB.

Brenda V.
Yes. Corporations are awful. Without them we could buy nothing at the store but at least we would not get sick.
That’s right! no one ever suffered from food bourne illness before those awful corporations came round. 😛
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