I wonder a lot. What's your opinion?

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Okay so im young…Don’t bash me i just wanna hear others opinions. I respect everyones opinion. Why does the church not believe in Gay Marriages. I mean if your gay you should be entitled to your rights. My catechism teacher says God has a plan for you…then maybe thats how your suppose to be and you can change that…you are what you are. i’m catholic, but when you believe something that is “immoral” you can’t be a “semi-catholic” and believe some stuff but not others as my catechism teacher told us. You know im all for gay marriages and i have friends who want there rights. There was even a “voting as a Catholic” pamphlet at church. Im like what the heck? It said you should vote for a candidate who is against all that “immoral” stuff…So Basically it was Saying “Vote for Bush” and i heard on the news nearly 80% were voting were moral based. One religion can’t be put on millions of people. They have different beliefs and shouldn’t have to abide by anyone elses. The church shouldn’t tell us who to vote for and it’s a sin to vote for the wrong president. Im 3 years too young to vote, but i would have voted on Kerry. Yea probably people reading this would go oh she’s only 15…she knows nothing…thanks for reading and i hope to hear some responses.
Okay so im young…Don’t bash me i just wanna hear others opinions. I respect everyones opinion. Why does the church not believe in Gay Marriages. I mean if your gay you should be entitled to your rights. My catechism teacher says God has a plan for you…then maybe thats how your suppose to be and you can change that…you are what you are. i’m catholic, but when you believe something that is “immoral” you can’t be a “semi-catholic” and believe some stuff but not others as my catechism teacher told us. You know im all for gay marriages and i have friends who want there rights. There was even a “voting as a Catholic” pamphlet at church. Im like what the heck? It said you should vote for a candidate who is against all that “immoral” stuff…So Basically it was Saying “Vote for Bush” and i heard on the news nearly 80% were voting were moral based. One religion can’t be put on millions of people. They have different beliefs and shouldn’t have to abide by anyone elses. The church shouldn’t tell us who to vote for and it’s a sin to vote for the wrong president. Im 3 years too young to vote, but i would have voted on Kerry. Yea probably people reading this would go oh she’s only 15…she knows nothing…thanks for reading and i hope to hear some responses.
Hey Rocksta!!! Your not that young…I’m only 13…so is a really good friend of mine on here! To answer, the Church doesn’t believe in Gay Marriage because being “gay” is a choice. It is wrong because 2 guys or 2 girls can’t have children. 1 man and 1 woman can. God created guys and girls for this main reason. If God wanted to have what we call “gay marriage”, he would have created Adam and Steve. Not Adam and Eve. God doesn’t want anyone to be gay. It’s a choice. It’s evil just like pornography. It’s an addiction just like smoking or drugs. Just because someone is addicted to drugs, doesn’t mean it’s right. But it is a sin to vote for someone who is for “gay rights” or pro-choice. Life is the very beginnig of every issue in the world. Life is the very fabric of society. If you distroy life, you distroy society. If you are for “gay rights” your denying the good of what God wants. The Church is just trying to guide Catholics in the right path. By voting for someone who is for “gay rights” or abortion, it’s a mortal sin because you are directly going against what God wants. All sin is, is going against God regardless if it’s venial or mortal. Mortal is just very serious. (not that all sin isn’t, but it’s a more severe form.) Does this clarify things a bit? And no, just because your 15 doesn’t mean you don’t know anything.🙂
Hey Rocksta!!! Your not that young…I’m only 13…so is a really good friend of mine on here! To answer, the Church doesn’t believe in Gay Marriage because being “gay” is a choice. It is wrong because 2 guys or 2 girls can’t have children. 1 man and 1 woman can. God created guys and girls for this main reason. If God wanted to have what we call “gay marriage”, he would have created Adam and Steve. Not Adam and Eve. God doesn’t want anyone to be gay. It’s a choice. It’s evil just like pornography. It’s an addiction just like smoking or drugs. Just because someone is addicted to drugs, doesn’t mean it’s right. But it is a sin to vote for someone who is for “gay rights” or pro-choice. Life is the very beginnig of every issue in the world. Life is the very fabric of society. If you distroy life, you distroy society. If you are for “gay rights” your denying the good of what God wants. The Church is just trying to guide Catholics in the right path. By voting for someone who is for “gay rights” or abortion, it’s a mortal sin because you are directly going against what God wants. All sin is, is going against God regardless if it’s venial or mortal. Mortal is just very serious. (not that all sin isn’t, but it’s a more severe form.) Does this clarify things a bit? And no, just because your 15 doesn’t mean you don’t know anything.🙂
Very Well Said Sarah:amen:
rocksta http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/statusicon_cad/user_offline.gif vbmenu_register(“postmenu_284468”, true);
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KHKHK (Sarah) gave you a very honest answer. It was also a correct answer.

One thing I would comment on is that there IS a difference between A Right and a Privilege. Also there is such a thing as man’s Law and God’s Law.

One’s rights end where another man’s rights begin. God says Gay activity, marriage and promotion is a sin. I didn’t say it God said it. People of the US in 11 states just voted overwhelmingly that a marriage is between a man and a woman.

You live in the U.S.A… In the US we have Laws that are made by the Majority of the people. We elect the gov’t. You don’t think that 98% of the USA shold roll over and change for the 2% minority do you? It won’t happen. Just because I wanted to play football in the NFL, didn’t give me the Right to do it. I had to go by the rules of the NFL.
There is an excellent article on www.worldmag.com called “Born that way (If it comes naturally, does that mean it’s not sin?)” Some people are born with a tendency to gamble or get angry. Does this make it ok? “There is a theory that we are all born addicts of some kind or another. We must all fight temptation by petitioning for grace.” Sara, I agree, you explained it beautifully.
…My catechism teacher says God has a plan for you…then maybe thats how your suppose to be and you can change that…you are what you are…
Hey rocksta, have you ask your cathechism teacher what God’s beautiful plan was for Sodom and Gomorrah? They also believe they were supposed to be what they were. Go, ahead and ask her.

Peace, so be it.
Gay Marriage:hmmm:

Is it right:confused:

Who’s to say:D GOD!!! God get’s blue b/c I love blue

God say No it isn’t right for many reason, but primarily b/c it isn’t natural.

I love dogs. I lvoe them a lot! Does that mean I have a right to marry a Dog?:tsktsk:

Is this an outragoues example, no! Insisting that married couples have the right to marry is! The whole point of marriage is unitive and procreative. If you willingly choose a life style not in accord with those principles in a “married” setting(with the exception of sterility, and other Moral exceptions - one of which is not being GAY) then you are in mortal sin! In other words, you are not keeping in God’s divine plan, grace, love etc…
You know im all for gay marriages and i have friends who want there rights.
The Church believes that both sex and marriage were created for the procreation and rearing of children. Obviously, gay couples can’t produce children without also having sex outside of marriage, so you can see perhaps why the Church has a problem with the concept of gay marriage.

The Church doesn’t recognize that people have the right to get married unless it is a marriage open to procreation. You have a right to marry, but you don’t have the right to marry someone who is already married, the right to marry with no intention of being open to children, the right to marry someone closely related to you, and so on. To marry is a right, but it is not a right to marry anyone you want under conditions of your own choosing. The institution carries restrictions even in secular society, because society recognizes that marriage is the means by which society is perpetuated. It is absolutely everyone else’s business, not just the couple’s. In fact, the very idea that your life is no one else’s business but yours is not only foreign to Christianity, it is foreign to most societies except the most recent.

Note, though, that the Church doesn’t say that homosexuality is a choice. She doesn’t say gays are evil or that gays can be made straight. She does say that gays must be treated and loved with the dignity due all human beings. It is very difficult to be gay, to be different, to not be able to fulfill the dream of having children with the person you are attracted to. Anyone who wants to enter into a gay marriage is due love and compassion. I cannot imagine what it is like to be in such a difficult position.
Dear Rocksta,

As another poster said, there is a difference between a “right” and a “privilege.”

Last year the Supreme Court struck down a case involving sodomy laws. I approve of that. That means that we no longer have our tax money going to pay the police to watch what your friends do in their bedroom so they can be arrested. Therefore, assuming they are of age, they now have the right to engage in whatever behavior they want without worrying about being arrested for it.

As soon as that happened, then Wham! All of a sudden we were all talking about gay marriage as if that was the next logical step. Well, it isn’t logically, only politically. The fact that they have a right to do what they wish in a bedroom doesn’t have anything to do with having a right to marry. If you believe in God then read the other posters’ responses. Even if you don’t believe in God, then maybe you can accept that “marriage,” among other things, is a certain status that society offers to couple giving them certain legal privileges (such as they can file a joint tax return) and, to the extent that marriage still means something, a societal “blessing” of sorts to go ahead and start having kids together or whatever. Therefore, since marriage is a status awarded by society to couples who meet certain requirements, then society has the prerogative to decide what those conditions are. In every state where the voters were asked, they overwhelmingly opposed affording “marriage” status to gays. It isn’t about imposing our religion on others. It is about not applauding and yelling “bravo” when gays want to wed for whatever reason we want. When it comes down to it, our votes are secret so we don’t have to say why we vote the way we do.

Gay marriages are wrong for the simple reason that God finds homosexual unions EXTREMELY offensive (see Genesis 19:1-13; Romans 1:26-27; Leviticus 18:22; 1 Corinthians 6:9; etc.) and just as a little child does not debate an issue with an older, wiser parent; we do not debate ANY issue with God who is ALL-knowing and ALL-wise. That’s why Gay marriages are wrong.
my opinion on this topic doesn’t matter a flying fish, because I did not invent marriage, God did. I don’t have the power to change it, neither does the Supreme Court, a federal judge in MA or CA, a newspaper editor, a radio commentator, your favorite teacher, or the Catholic Church. Your gay friends have the legal right to marry in every state of the union. They just have to abide by the same rules as everybody else, there is no discrimination. They just can’t marry each other if they are the same sex. Same rules for everybody. Nobody has the right to get married, it is a privilege and the church and the state have legitimate reasons to regulate who may marry for the good of society.

As for the claim that there are certain legal rights gay “couples” are denied such as inheritance, recognition as next of kin in legal documents, guardianship of children – all of these matters can be handled by a competent lawyer, just as they would for any non-related adults who have legal and contractual relationships of all types. There is no discrimination, the law is the same for all.

As far as the argument “God made me this way so I have a right to act on my instincts” how do you know how God made either you or your friend? He created you perfect, but you are born into an imperfect world, in a condition of disorder called original sin. We are all disordered in one way or another, physically, spiritually, psychologically–that is what original sin means. The solution is to surrender to God’s will, not use our disordered inclinations to justify any action.
I mean if your gay you should be entitled to your rights.
I’m not sure that “marriage” is a right. Anyone can live together. What they want is the tax “advantage” of living together.

The state traditionally has granted the tax advantage to married couples because it is in the interest of the state that there be children and that they come from stable families. The latter doesn’t always work out these days, it seems.

Most gay relationships, I understand, involve a lot of consumption of goods and services since there is no need to leave anything to the “kids.” Thus, many communities see them as highly desirable residents, economically speaking.

And of course, many “marriages” these days don’t see the need for children and become consumption driven.

It will be interesting to watch western Europe as its birth rate continues to fall below replacement level. So now they are letting in immigrants to do menial labor jobs. But those jobs won’t pay for the pensions of those who will be retiring soon.

But when will business start screaming? When there are less customers each year, it will make it difficult to rationalize investing in your business.

God’s master plan was that there were to be children in a stable family. “Be fruitful and multiply.”

It’s not up to judges to decide differently.
Sir Knight:
Gay marriages are wrong for the simple reason that God finds homosexual unions EXTREMELY offensive (see Genesis 19:1-13; Romans 1:26-27; Leviticus 18:22; 1 Corinthians 6:9; etc.) and just as a little child does not debate an issue with an older, wiser parent; we do not debate ANY issue with God who is ALL-knowing and ALL-wise. That’s why Gay marriages are wrong.
I agree with you…

God Bless
…then maybe thats how your suppose to be and you can change that…you are what you are.
Does this same logic apply to pedophiles? They are what they are…


Psychotic murderers?

Yes… we are who we are, but God calls us to be something greater.
I can relate a few points on how people are “born that way,” to give you food for thought. Scripture says that when two shall marry they shall become as ‘one’. I always thought that scripture was figurative. There has been a recent discovery by some Italian geneticists about this. They discovered that when a mother becomes pregnant, genetic material from the father is passed through the baby into her bloodstream that becomes a permanent part of her genetic makeup. I guess God has another idea. This might explain why people who are married for a long time begin to look like each other.😃

I have a friend who asked me to consider a case that a priest friend brought up. A young man came to the priest for confession and talked about his struggle with homosexuality. This young man said he had always felt that he was gay. The priest agreed to pray for this man and meet with him to help him deal with this sin. One day while praying, the priest had a thought suddenly occur to him. It was; that this young man’s mother had an affair with a priest when she was pregnant with her son. The priest was reluctant to ask the young man about this at first but eventually, because he felt God inspired it, gently broached the idea with him. The gay man said his mother had not ever gone to church to his knowledge, but would ask her if she did have an affair. This was exactly what had happened. His mother had stopped going to church because she felt ashamed of her sin. She met with the priest and made a confession, and was reunited with the church. From that day on*, the young man had no more gay desires and was completely freed from this sin. *The question my friend put to me was; does sin cause genetic damage? I don’t honestly know but I think it is a real possibility. Sin is death, God is life, and scripture states that the sins of the father can be passed down to the second and third generation.
Binary Paul:
The question my friend put to me was; does sin cause genetic damage? I don’t honestly know but I think it is a real possibility. Sin is death, God is life, and scripture states that the sins of the father can be passed down to the second and third generation.
Let me get this straight:
  1. Man confesses homosexual thoughts to priest.
  2. Priest gets an inspiration that the man’s mother has let a sin separate her from the Church… in fact, he gets an inspiration so specific in its detail that, had it really happened in the absence of subconscious or otherwise subtle clues given by the man and picked up by a perceptive priest, it might be termed miraculous.
  3. Man’s mother confesses and is re-united with the Church.
  4. The man at the same time is freed from homosexual thoughts.
There is a saying for something like this: True, true, and unrelated. That a mom’s long-standing spiritual fault would have some bearing on her son’s spiritual upbringing: possible, maybe even likely. That her conversion back to the Church was extremely inspiring and a source of grace for her son: more possible yet. That his sin’s origins were genetic? Oh, please. There is just no logical reason to make a leap like that. In fact, leaps like that are how silly superstitions get started, and they carry spiritual perils themselves.

Sin causes all sorts of damage, that is true, but this connection is far-fetched to the extent that it is almost a perversion of rational thought.
Perhaps the first question to be asked is, "why do you fell that gays have a right to be married?

Where do rights come from? Many people feel the State gives rights. However, the State is something which people created in order to live in a society. So, people came before the State. Therefore, the State can’t be the source of rights?

If you say that rights come from people, then why do they come from people? If they do, why can’t people change the rights?

Some would say that rights come from our basic dignity as a human being. Where did that dignity come from? A hint: God.

If our dignity came from God, and our rights come from dignity, then our rights come from God.

And what has God had to say about rights? There is ample testimony of God’s revelation to humans in the Old and New Testament; and in both of those, there is plenty to be said about homosexuality. You need to understand that the references in the OT and NT are to homosexual activity. In both, it is condemned. And the condemnation is not some cultural taboo; it goes back to our basic human dignity, and our physical makeup.
Sin causes all sorts of damage, that is true, but this connection is far-fetched to the extent that it is almost a perversion of rational thought.
I’m sorry, that wasn’t a nice way to put that at all… it was an assault on polite conversation, in fact. Let’s just say I think the connection takes quite a stretch. And please, accept my apologies.
Ray Marshall:
I’m not sure that “marriage” is a right. Anyone can live together. What they want is the tax “advantage” of living together.
then they are misinformed, what they are actually asking for is the “marriage penalty”. If both husband and wife work, the income of the person with the smaller salary is taxed at the higher rate of the person with the larger salary. Example: withholding on my salary with one exemption at my tax rate is 218 a month, yet I have to arrange for extra withholding because I am taxed at the higher rate, actually about 600 a month.
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