To be honest, and not to pick on any one particular person here, I think our attitudes towards gay people is one of the reasons very few gays ever look at the Christian side. Such responses as ignore them, or find work with better people.
Ever heard the expression don’t hate the player, hate the game?
Thats the attitude we ought to have, but don’t convey, I think.
Those whom you wish to change you must first show them you love them, otherwise they’re just going to hate you and ignore you all the much more.
I work with two very gay guys, and one “prude” gay. One I don’t really talk to, one I do a bit, and he’s hilarious, he really is funny. Sometimes I overhear the two of them talking about gay bars, and yeah, its gross. But its just as gross hearing how my friends “knocked up 5 drunk woman at this bar”
However, if I came straight up to them, acting holier than thou, I know they’d all hate me within a second, and I’d never get through to them…what way is that to evangelize?
I think with the gay populace you must stress that we do not hate gays…they think we do, and from an immediate first impression, it honestly seems like we do, we treat them like second class citizens.
If we give them the dignity and honour we owe every human being, and treat them as though they were created not only by God Himself, but in God’s image, I think we will reach a lot more gays.
Many gays are just looking to be loved, I think, and they’ll find true love in the Church, we just need to do a better job of expressing such love.
Yes, they really ought to keep their private lives more secret, I’m not arguing that, I just feel as a whole what I said above.