I would like to convert

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Also since i assume your orthodox by your name, you could go to a byzantine catholic church.
St Thomas More: “I do not care very much what men say of me, provided that god approves of me”. The Catholic church is the only true church of witch you can obtain salvation, the orthodox are in grave danger of going to hell as they reject the pope. I’m a convert, Baptized and confirmed 2 months ago at Easter. I’m 16 and my mum is Anglican and my dad an atheist, some members of my family don’t like us Catholics, but that doesn’t matter providing God does. So I encourage you to convert to Catholicism and to try and help others. Can i recommend that you but a Green Scapular and pray “Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death, Amen”. Mary will intercede for your conversion depending on how faithful you pray the prayer, please tell me if you decide to get one so I to can say the prayer for you. More about it here: http://www.greenscapular.com/
Thankyou I sent an email with those details to get the green scapular. I am not sure I should convert because it seems to ruin our witness and urgency to tell non christians they need to believe in Jesus and obey the gospel. I have nothing against catholics except I should be set apart to witness to the gospel.
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Once again I am not fully dedicated to God because I have other duties so maybe I should not make such big decisions. Because there is alot I want to say but I can not fix it if I ever err because I am busy with my duties.
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It was a mistake to want to convert. With all due respect to the catholic church I believe I should not join it as I would be compromising my beliefs about the gospel. I do not judge the people in the catholic church but it would be better if they all unite to the orthodox church teachings. People desperately need the gospel.
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Nice to think about. But I think others may have valid reason not to agree with you. I will watch that youtube video soon and download it so no one deletes it.
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We all NEED to convert to Catholicism or we will most likely go to hell.
I think you are overstating yourself.

The Catholic Church recognizes (most if not all) non-Catholic Baptisms. This shows us that Original Sin is removed and that the soul is indelibly marked. We also know that in some way they are a part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church:

“‘one cannot charge with the sin of the separation those who at present are born into these communities [that resulted from such separation] and in them are brought up in the faith of Christ, and the Catholic Church accepts them with respect and affection as brothers . . . . All who have been justified by faith in Baptism are incoporated into Christ; they therefore have a right to be called Christians, and with good reason are accepted as brothers in the Lord by the children of the Catholic Church.’”
-CCC 818

To @truthlovingorthodox
Don’t let how others could be affected by your conversion concern you. If you convert honestly, you will not be held accountable for what happens to those you leave behind or to those who think you are wrong to. Christ’s followers ,particularly the Apostles themselves, left behind their families. James and John left their father in a boat, and Peter probably left behind a family or wife (as evidenced by his mother-in-law). Jesus reminds us that:

“And to another he [Jesus] said, ‘Follow me.’ But he replied, ‘[Lord,] let me go first and bury my father.’ But he answered him, ‘Let the dead bury their dead. But you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.’”
-Luke 9:59-60 (NABRE)

As well as:

“‘Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three; a father will be divided against his son and a son against his father, a mother against her faughter and a daughter against her mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.’”
-Luke 12:51-53 (NABRE)

Not saying that you should reject the people you have known in your Orthodoxy, but that they should not constrain you.

The Catholic Church believes that God does not refuse forgiveness from those who truly seek it. We also believe in the importance of the Gospel.
As the other posters have done, I encourage you to seek answers from a real person as well as to pray.

Prayer is a sure means of discovering truth. I don’t think God will fault you if you ask Him where you should be and what you should believe.
Thankyou 🙂 You are very kind. Pray for me.
I want to visit some catholic churches as well as orthodox to better know God’s will. I may not convert unless I am convinced. So I guess I do not compromise the gospel. I was afraid of harming people more who are catholic but I just have to behave and be kind.
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