Yes, and the CCC 1860 bears this out, “…no one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man.”Artificial contraception, including barrier methods, is objectively a mortal sin as it violates natural law.
However, it goes on to say, “The promptings of feelings and passions can also diminish the voluntary and free character of the offense, as can external pressures or pathological disorders.” I would certainly consider one’s religious leader instructing you that birth control is “responsible stewardship”, as the OP stated, would be an external pressure. Also, if you re-read the OP’s post, you see that her husband, who was “dead set against” her joining the Church, would constitute another external pressure.
As for your article, (thank you for providing, I will enjoy reading it in its entirety later tonight) the writings of a priest do not necessarily constitute Church teachings (thankfully). I would feel more comfortable with documentation from the Magisterium or the Catechism, not just the say-so of one unnamed priest. Do you have this article from a non-SSPX source? One that is in full communion with the Church?
That said, I understand where you’re coming from, I truly do. Even people who use NFP can develop a contraceptive mentality and misuse it. However, to come to this particular thread, posted by a woman who isn’t even in RCIA classes yet, with a husband who isn’t exactly jumping up and down over her conversion, and throw out such terse, authoritative language such as your first post:
"Well, you’re in mortal sin. And NFP isn’t just a birth control method that is OK for Catholics…it may only be used for VERY GRAVE reasons. " is not going to be helpful.
Secondly, it’s not clear either from the OP’s post, or from your provided article what the “poverty” level is. We have no idea what their financial situation is, and the “poverty” stipulation from the article isn’t defined. Do people tend to abuse the “poverty” reason? Yes. Can we assume this poster is based on her post? No.
Thank you for the article, I will read it as soon as time permits.