In other words, Iran is retaliating against Israel because the Trump administration broke its nuclear treaty with Iran? Why isn’t CNN reporting on this now?
He has truly made Israel a burdensome stone to all the nations. (Zech 12:3)There’s something bizarre and ironic about God picking a land for his chosen people that ends up getting fought over for centuries. If he’d just parked them in the middle of Kansas, they could have been living in peace for hundreds of years
In other words, Iran is retaliating against Israel because the Trump administration broke its nuclear treaty with Iran?
???To be clear, it wasn’t a treaty, but an “Executive agreement.”
It should have been a treaty, but with strong majorities of each party in the Senate opposed, it wouldn’t have passed/
I’m no Trump fan, but his description of it as the “worst deal ever” was apt. It pretty much said, “we’ll drop sanctions if you delay your program for 5-7 years, and we’ll take your word for it if you tell us you’re complying”
[quoteWhy isn’t CNN reporting on this now?
I saw it on their website yesterday.
Iran and ISISrael have never fought in open war…let alone “2 or 3” times.Maybe if they’d learned the first 2 or 3 times Israel whooped them in wars they wouldn’t have to keep getting their sh** pushed in.