Congratulations! You have discovered that our civic leaders will say anything to garner your vote. Conservatives are no better than their counterparts, they experience just as many scandals and now we have a President that will openly lie to his constituents.
I think we are already seeing your “splinter” as you described it:
The 2016 Republican Presidential Primaries had a total of twelve debates lasting approximately two hours each. Among all that time devoted to discussing the issues that concern conservative voters; an approximate total of eight minutes was given to the subject of abortion. To compound matters more, the least conservative candidate was nominated to represent the party.
The 2012 Election was the first Presidential Election after the Supreme Courts Citizen United decision that resulted in “Political spending without limitless”. Unfortunately, you are starting to see that the Christian conservative vote carries less value than it ever did within the Republican party. As the party started to move towards the libertarian direction, it suddenly found itself challenged by the Populist ideology within the party that elected our current President.
I am not certain of the likelihood of a strong third party? But Christians need to do a better job of having their voices heard…
I think we are already seeing your “splinter” as you described it:
The 2016 Republican Presidential Primaries had a total of twelve debates lasting approximately two hours each. Among all that time devoted to discussing the issues that concern conservative voters; an approximate total of eight minutes was given to the subject of abortion. To compound matters more, the least conservative candidate was nominated to represent the party.
The 2012 Election was the first Presidential Election after the Supreme Courts Citizen United decision that resulted in “Political spending without limitless”. Unfortunately, you are starting to see that the Christian conservative vote carries less value than it ever did within the Republican party. As the party started to move towards the libertarian direction, it suddenly found itself challenged by the Populist ideology within the party that elected our current President.
I am not certain of the likelihood of a strong third party? But Christians need to do a better job of having their voices heard…