If all the efforts of the church fail to prevent the onslaught of homosexual marriage, what strategies does the church have to protect our sacred sacrament?
I’m very concerned that society is in a rapid state of moral decline and there is nothing that can be done about it.
The day will soon come when the homosexuals try to force the church to perform a Gay marriage. When the church refuses they will threaten to deny the church its status as a charitable organization.
They will claim that the church must perform the marriage because they are offering it as a public service. The ‘Gay friendly’ judge will of course allow this to occur.
They already tried this with a catholic school in Toronto a few years back. The school wouldn’t allow two gay graduates to attend the graduation dance. It wasn’t long and the school was forced to capitulate or have its status as a charitable organization taken away.
What can be done to prevent this?
Could the church simply rename the term marriage to something else and promote it as something different then marriage? The reality is it already is different then a civil marriage. In fact, most people don’t even know that there is a difference. Most people who want to get married only think of it as a contract (that can be broken).
I think it would do the church wonders to rename marriage to something else. That way only people who want to go through with holy matrimony will. There will be less people getting married for the fantasy of it. It would be about God from the beginning.
It would be great to say to someone. No I am not married I am “X”. Such a statement would imply a whole different set of values.
I guess what I’m trying to say is this. If the name of marriage is going to be ruined by the homosexuals then let it. Why should the church try to stop evil if all it has to do is move to the side and let it fall?
Protecting marriage by renaming it would be a bold move in the face of evil.
I’m very concerned that society is in a rapid state of moral decline and there is nothing that can be done about it.
The day will soon come when the homosexuals try to force the church to perform a Gay marriage. When the church refuses they will threaten to deny the church its status as a charitable organization.
They will claim that the church must perform the marriage because they are offering it as a public service. The ‘Gay friendly’ judge will of course allow this to occur.
They already tried this with a catholic school in Toronto a few years back. The school wouldn’t allow two gay graduates to attend the graduation dance. It wasn’t long and the school was forced to capitulate or have its status as a charitable organization taken away.
What can be done to prevent this?
Could the church simply rename the term marriage to something else and promote it as something different then marriage? The reality is it already is different then a civil marriage. In fact, most people don’t even know that there is a difference. Most people who want to get married only think of it as a contract (that can be broken).
I think it would do the church wonders to rename marriage to something else. That way only people who want to go through with holy matrimony will. There will be less people getting married for the fantasy of it. It would be about God from the beginning.
It would be great to say to someone. No I am not married I am “X”. Such a statement would imply a whole different set of values.
I guess what I’m trying to say is this. If the name of marriage is going to be ruined by the homosexuals then let it. Why should the church try to stop evil if all it has to do is move to the side and let it fall?
Protecting marriage by renaming it would be a bold move in the face of evil.