If all US politicians agreed on the 5 non-negotiables, who would you elect?

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That’s like asking if hell froze over, would I be interested in vacationing there. Even if everybody agreed on those points, there are plenty of other issues that would rise to the top and we would have to make our selections based on their view on them. I didn’t vote.
No matter what were to change there is no way a Catholic could in good conscience vote for a Democrat.
I would vote for whoever among them was the most likely to be elected…Sadly, this is, I fear, only an intellectual exercise.
I don’t really buy into the whole concept of “non-negotiable issues” (what, the other issues are negotiable? Negotiation’s over by the time you vote), but I’ll play along for the sake of this poll.

Assuming issues are off the table, and it’s a question of approach to governing, I would vote Democrat. Laissez-faire libertarianism just seems to be giving up on the whole idea of a moral responsibility to your community (I imagine Cain must have been a libertarian).
Either a Democrat or someone running under Democrats for Life banner. But that’ll never happen, thus keeping me from votong for them as well as a Republican. My Good Catholic Conscience prevents me from doing so.
Well I voted for “Other”. I still have my issues with both main parties and I feel at a loss as to where to go politically. I try to evaluate the candidates based on who has the greater number of positive aspects and lesser number of negatives. I vote for 3rd parties sometimes, when the option is available. sigh
Even as things are, candidates of any particular party are not carbon copies of each other. Some democrats, for instance, might seem (to some) more like republicans (at least on certain issues) and some republicans more like democrats. As such, one has to more critically look at each candidate in a specific race and office which they are seeking, see where they stand on various issues of concern, determine what their plans are, assess what kind of appropriate representation and leadership they can offer, and valuate other political concerns. Simplistically voting for someone just because they have a certain letter behind their name and presumeably stand for whatever stereotypical concerns isn’t ever a particularly good idea or a realistic representation of where individual candidates stand. What would I do, then, in such a situation as is here postulated? The same thing I do now: vote for the best candidate.
Philip P:
I don’t really buy into the whole concept of “non-negotiable issues” (what, the other issues are negotiable? Negotiation’s over by the time you vote), but I’ll play along for the sake of this poll.

Assuming issues are off the table, and it’s a question of approach to governing, I would vote Democrat. Laissez-faire libertarianism just seems to be giving up on the whole idea of a moral responsibility to your community (I imagine Cain must have been a libertarian).
You should have been around these boards back in November when I was being told I was committing a mortal sin b/c I was voting democrat!
God’s bigger than any political party. I’m with you, Steph, but I think we need Catholics on the Right, too - with Catholics now a sizable constituency of both parties, hopefully we can swing politics more toward a consistent ethic of life, from abortion to war to capital punishment to euthanasia.
Philip P:
God’s bigger than any political party. I’m with you, Steph, but I think we need Catholics on the Right, too - with Catholics now a sizable constituency of both parties, hopefully we can swing politics more toward a consistent ethic of life, from abortion to war to capital punishment to euthanasia.
😃 Of course you are , Philip…
If all US politicians agreed on the “5 Non-negotiable Issues”, but otherwise held the traditional views of their respective political parties, who would you elect?
Republicans, because I believe in the power of free enterprise, I belive that faith based groups are better than government sponsored organizations at feeding the poor, clothing the naked, etc… because I believe that school vouchers actually give parents back some control over the quality of their childrens education.
Straight Republican. 👍 They, as a party and people, are **closer **to the teachings of God in practice than Democrats. This from first hand observations in both parties. Not until one leaves the Democrat Party can one see the lies and the hatred they were constantly fed about Republicans and the Republican Party from their youth, by the party, and reinforced by its allies in the media including Hollywood.

I am a Catholic because I want the truth. I studied science because I want to know. I am stunned at the numbers of Catholics who have not learned that is what being Catholic is about - knowing the truth, and with it, being the salt of the earth. Does anybody REALLY believe the Democrat Party has any “taste” left in it? If they are SO wrong on the life issues for over 35 years, how can you think they can be SO right on economic issues or any other issues involving our lives? Such people substitute false sentimentality for knowledge in their decision making and that kind of thinking got the bishops into a lot of trouble over the homosexual clergy sex abuse going on within the Church the past 40 years. Those “good” bishops caused a lot of pain and tragedy in young people’s lives, not to speak of the $1,000,000,000+ it is going to cost the Church in legal settlements now. Sentimentality is only “good” in books and movies.

The problems we have in this country, politically speaking, concerning life-and-morals have come about the past 40 years because of Catholics continuing their senseless love affair with the false image of the Democrat Party, which causes them to continue to vote and elect Democrats to power to carry out what the party REALLY stands for - power over people including the dismantling the Judeo-Christian morale foundation of this country.
No matter what were to change there is no way a Catholic could in good conscience vote for a Democrat.
Why not? Remember that the premise is that all US politicians agreed on the 5 non-negotiables. In other words, both Republicans and Democrats would be equally pro-life.

Given that, why do you think a Catholic in good conscience can’t vote Democrat?
Why not? Remember that the premise is that all US politicians agreed on the 5 non-negotiables. In other words, both Republicans and Democrats would be equally pro-life.

Given that, why do you think a Catholic in good conscience can’t vote Democrat?
What makes you think a party that has been so wrong on the life issues for 35 years would be so right on all the other issues affecting our lives?

Also, the premise does not indicate whether the Democrat Party had a** real** converson in agreeing with the 5 non-negotiables, or simply made a political decison to stay relevant and viable as a politcal party. Therefore, you cannot assume the Democrat Party is "equally" prolife to the Republican Party simply because they stopped protecting the culture of death.
Of the two political parties, the Republicans are closer to the Catholic Church than the Democrats, and that’s why I vote Republican.

Saying that though, the GOP is very, very far from the Church on a lot of issues that the Church advocates. We’re not Evangelicals here, believing in the so-called Gospel of Wealth. John Paul II of glorious memory railed continously against economic conservatism that pits people against each other and value monetary wealth above all things.

The Democratic Party is unacceptable for any Catholic.
The Republican Party is hardly a great alternative.
In what way?


The issues of abortion, stem cell research, euthanasia, and homosexual marriage cut to the root of the natural law. There is no justification anywhere in supporting any organization that, at least tacitly, acknowledges the validity of these things. All are in direct opposition to not just the Chuch, but to God Himself in Scripture.
The three former issues run contrary to the sanctity of life, in a way that is distinct from the legitimacy of capital punishment (which I am opposed to as well, but is distinctly different because it is not necessarily the demise of the innocent.) The fourth issue runs contrary to the Sacrament of Matrimony.

The Republican Party is not that satisfactory of an alternative because it’s veneration of laissez-faire economic policies defies Catholic philosophical understanding of subsidiarity and solidarity. A philosophy that emphasizes a socially Darwinian approach to economics, with no concern for the plight of the underclass, is incompatible with Church teachings.
BUT, these issues are not as central as the first five.
Ideally, we’d be better off with a Christian Democratic party, like what would be found in continental Europe.
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