Here’s an example, the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux. St. Zelie heard God’s voice.
Meanwhile, in the same town, a little girl was growing up with an austere mother who gave her little affection. Zélie Guerin was a fervently religious child, and wanted to be a nun, but she, too, was rejected by the Sisters of Charity.
**Then one day, as 27 year-old Zélie was crossing a bridge, she passed a man of 35. “This is he whom I have prepared for you,” she heard a voice whisper in her heart.
Here’s the link: stlukeproductions.com/news/archives/whats-special-about-thereses-parentsAnd so, out of the disappointment of failed religious vocations, sprang a marriage that was to give the world the most beloved saint of modern times, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. **
Please please list them or give us the citation! I would love to read this. Thank you!