If God calls you to marriage, does He choose a spouse?

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Here’s an example, the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux. St. Zelie heard God’s voice.
Meanwhile, in the same town, a little girl was growing up with an austere mother who gave her little affection. Zélie Guerin was a fervently religious child, and wanted to be a nun, but she, too, was rejected by the Sisters of Charity.
**Then one day, as 27 year-old Zélie was crossing a bridge, she passed a man of 35. “This is he whom I have prepared for you,” she heard a voice whisper in her heart.
And so, out of the disappointment of failed religious vocations, sprang a marriage that was to give the world the most beloved saint of modern times, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. **
Here’s the link: stlukeproductions.com/news/archives/whats-special-about-thereses-parents
Please please list them or give us the citation! I would love to read this. Thank you!
And if I may add another fantastic example from CAF member boomerang:
A couple years after my conversion to Christ, I moved to another state and opened a restaurant. I was lonely there, living by myself, so one day I got face down on the floor in my bedroom and prayed to God to send me a man I could love, who loves me back, someone I’m compatible with. I wasn’t having any luck finding someone on my own. About 4 months later, a stranger came in my restaurant, ordered a sandwich and sat down. He was the only customer in the place. There were just three of us present: myself, my sister (who co-owned the restaurant with me), and this stranger. It was very quiet in this small restaurant, which was a converted cabin, and the stranger was sitting a few feet away munching his sandwich, when suddenly I heard a loud, audible voice coming from directly behind me that said very matter-of-factly, “YOU’RE GOING TO MARRY HIM”. It was a real, physical voice that I heard with my ears, it was not a thought in my head. I was shocked, but I wasn’t scared. It didn’t frighten me, although it made my hair stand on end! I noticed it was without gender. I couldn’t tell if it was male or female. It sounded like neither. And I was astonished that my sister and the stranger hadn’t heard it. None of us was more than four feet apart from one another. I didn’t say anything to anyone. I just kept it to myself, but my head was spinning. It’s really a shocking thing when something like this happens to you.
Post here: forums.catholic-questions.org/showpost.php?p=10920972&postcount=6

Original thread here: forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=801992
I don’t completely agree with this. I mean, it’s not true that there is ONE prince/princess charming out there for each person. But it’s equally untrue that God won’t guide you to someone who may be your best match in this life. The truth is somewhere in between I think. In any case, the point made by chastity speakers with this is valid. There is one person you’ll marry and it is good to save yourself for them.
It’s funny, because when I was dating I heard this exact quote and it brought me such peace. I was terrified of making a mistake. This quote made me realise that you can still be in love with a person after the infatuation wears off; that marriage is about compatibility and selflessness (or aiming towards selflessness) rather than “soulmates”.

But I hate decision-making based on emotion, which deciding who to marry necessarily is to some degree. Adding in more “rational head-not-heart decision style logic” was beneficial for me. I can see how other people would have more of a balance and wouldn’t need reassurance like that.
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