Anytime there is “becoming”, there is time - a time when you were materially not what you are now, but you were that way. There is now, which is after that time when you were. And there will be a time, sometime, when you are materially different than you are now, the future. Something is moving you in that change, your “genes”, and your own actions (eating, sleeping, etc.). But your got your beginning material from something that was not you (from your parents), way back in the beginning of your appearance in time, immediately beginning to change toward what you are now, and toward what you will be materially, and then eventually no longer materially living.Why is it illogical for the universe to be eternal, uncaused, indestructible, and incorruptible?..but not illogical for God to have those attributes?
Why does the universe have to have a beginning and not God? What would happen if the universe DID in fact always exist?
(Without resorting to scientific evidence. I’m asking from a purely philosophical point of view)
So, even though it does not answer the “why?” question, your material is an example of a material being that was not, that is, that becomes, and then will not be.
Material is the reason - it assumes being in a specific form mechanically, being “transformed” into what it is supposed to be. And change of matter from what it was (your breakfast) into what it is (your hair) takes time. Mechanical (biological, in your case) mechanisms transform matter, and matter (and energy) is the composition of the universe, constantly being transformed. If the universe always did exist, it would have to be complete (fully formed and unchanging in all its parts) because any changing would imply becoming, which is incompatible with eternal being. It would also imply no “time”, since there would be no changing, therefore no notice of “before”, “now”, “still to come”.
God is not a being among the beings of the universe we know. He is being itself, etc. He is fully complete, not becoming more or better or more real. Something fully complete has no time. (and, let me tell you a mystery: in the resurrection, we will be that way with Him - eternal life will not be “time that keeps going and changes happening”, but it will be knowing all in one and knowing one in all).
How you doing, Ben? it’s been a while since I have responded to one of your posts.