Since God created someone without original sin (and presumably without the tendency to sin as well) why doesn’t he just create everyone else the same way? Wouldn’t that solve the problem of sin in a much easier and more effective way than having Jesus come to be sacrificed?
A much better question is if God is omniscient and omnipotent He knew before creating anything what the results of creation would be. He could have created angels and men and not had them fall into evil. He knew what would happen, the mess that would be made and yet created it all.
He could not only have created others without sin. He could have created all creation without sin or evil. This is the problem of evil and there is no answer that we can reach with our finite intellects.
Attempts are made to answer it by saying God gave people freedom to choose good or evil, free will, but this does not really solve the puzzle.
Humans are finite creatures. Human intellect is limited. The power to comprehend something infinite is not possible. Imagine that you have a personal computer. It can hold and process so much data. Then think of one of the monster data centers where Google stores and analyzes all the information it collects. The pc is not capable of processing the data that does through the data center.
A finite mind can not comprehend anything infinite.
Jesus said to His apostles that there was much He wanted to tell them, but they could not bear it yet. There are things we are unable to understand, because of the limitations of our finite minds. But we still ask the questions. Why, why why?
When we encounter a thing that is beyond our finite ability to understand we call it mystery.
There is a famous story about Saint Augustine. He was walking on the beach struggling with understanding the nature of God. An angel appeared to him in the form of a boy who was playing at the water’s edge. The boy dug a hole in the sand and kept taking water from the sea and pouring it into the hole. Augustine asked him what he was doing and the boy said he was putting the sea in the hole. Augustine told the boy that the sea could not fit in the hole. The hole was obviously too small to hold it so why would he try to do what is impossible. The boy said, then why do you try to fit God into your mind, and disappeared.
It may be only a legend, but it illustrates that we are limited, finite and can not understand things that are beyond certain limits.
This does not mean that we can not understand anything about God. It means we can not understand everything about God. Some water fit in the hole in the sand and it was the same water that was in the sea.
Saint Thomas Aquinas was possibly the greatest theologian in Christian history. He said that God who is infinite is so far beyond us that we can have no direct knowledge of Him. It is impossible to hold. He said the only way we can know about God intellectually is through analogy.
So Jesus taught in analogies called parables. He said. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a farmer who sowed seed, a housewife who lost a coin, a shepherd who lost a sheep, wise and foolish virgins, etc.
The claim of religion is that God has revealed Himself to us throughout salvation history. He has done this by leaving evidence of supernatural power, doing things that are above or outside nature, breaking the laws of nature. These inexplicable things either happened or they did not. If they did then they are evidence of something beyond the material world we know.
Beyond the historical claims of such things made in the Bible, I have personally witnessed miracles. But we all choose whether or not we will accept in faith the story of salvation.
You have not, yet. You may or may not come to faith. I may lose faith. None of us knows tomorrow. Faith is knowledge acquired by believing something we are told, that we do not learn on our own or figure out. We all live by faith. If you become ill you go to a doctor whose medical knowledge figures out what your problem is and the remedy. We take directions to get to a place when we are lost, by someone who knows the way. We know the way to where we are going by believing what we are told.
Religion is like that. We are broken and can’t fix ourselves and do not even know where we are going, much less the way there. We know we will die, but not what happens thereafter if anything. There does seem to be lots of evidence that the soul survives, based on experiences of people who have died, their souls experienced something else, and returned to tell about it.