Some people say He is the moral compass for humanity, and yet there are still people who have Christian values who do not believe in God.
Others say that everything we do is in God’s plan, but if so, why bother with free will?
If God gives us free will, then intervenes, He is preventing free will. Therefore God would be contradicting Himself, which we all know He’s never do. So if He is real, why did He give us free will?
Some people say He is the moral compass for humanity, and yet there are still people who have Christian values who do not believe in God.
The natural law is placed in each one, as St.Paul says in Rom. 2:14.
“When Gentiles who have not the law do by nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts.”
And the CCC reinforces the same thing,
2072 Since they express man’s fundamental duties towards God and towards
his neighbor, the Ten Commandments reveal, in their primordial content, grave obligations. They are fundamentally immutable, and they oblige always and everywhere. No one can dispense from them. The Ten Commandments are engraved by God in the human heart.
Others say that everything we do is in God’s plan, but if so, why bother with free will?
God’s plan is that everyone be redeemed which has happened thru Christ’s suffering. To be justified by his redemption means we choose freely to cooperate with it. It is inside of God’s own will to let us make free choices to accept or reject his plan because that is exactly what he gave us in our nature as man to do. So in that way we can say that what we do is exorcising not only our own freedom but also the will of God, both in good and bad. This does not in any way mean he approves of the bad choice, but that it
is within his will for us to act within our very own nature. Otherwise we would not have created man but some other sort of creature/robot.
If God gives us free will, then intervenes, He is preventing free will. Therefore God would be contradicting Himself, which we all know He’s never do.
“intervene” does not mean “interfere”. To intervene means we present ideas to a person to plead a cause, not to force a cause or interfere. If God intervened in the sense of forcing our decision making one way or another, then we would no longer be responsible for what we do, since that is removing freedom, which is essential to our very nature as man.
Tho God can force use physical force on anything or anybody, but he will not remove our freedom to assent or dissent to what is happening. Just as the devil may physically take over one’s body, but cannot take over one’s freedom to make their choices for them. Resistence to evil or good is always the person’s own choice even tho other forces outside are making it difficult to make a choice.
God is not contradicting himself in supporting our freedom to choose right or wrong. There is a real difference between God supporting and God approving. Just as we support building cars but don’t always approve of what they might be used for. And so God’s disaproval of man’s use of freedom does not mean his withdrawal of support for that freedom, or that one dosen’t always allow for the other. For the two are distinct.
So if He is real, why did He give us free will?
In a colloquial way, it is who we are. When at the grocery store, we may choose from so many different cerials, by brand and kind. We choose who we want to work for, the street we live on, the school we go to, the car we drive, the day to do our washing, the kind of home we live in, the furniture, the people we run around with, the type of mower for our
yard, the bank, child discipline, bed time, books to read, the food we eat, and so on. We are nothing but decision makers who do so by our free will to pick what we want. We cannot be anything else but be creatures of free will, and anything else would not be us.
So too in our life we must decide about whether we will do right or wrong. Like stealing a camera in a department store, or not. Studying for an exam, or neglecting it. Watching unseemly movies or not. Helping our children or not. Paying our bills or not. And so many more are moral choices we are faced with in our everyday life. Moral decisons are a part of our natural life on earth which we meet every day without trying.
So it isn’t about “why God gave us free will”, it is who we are. And without it we would not be what we are.