From a human perspective, it’s never “ah, well… all for the best”. However, when we try to glean God’s perspective – and interestingly enough, that’s precisely what you said you weren’t interested in! – we can’t make sense of it, other than giving up and leaving it in His capable hands.Who is asking you to anaylize it from God’s perspective? A more impossible task is difficult to imagine. What we are asking for is your personal take on it.
I’m pretty sure that after any given atrocity you do not shrug your shoulders and think ‘Ah well. All for the best I suppose’. But that is EXACTLY what you have just implied. ‘Well yeah, that didn’t have to happen God being omnipotent and all, so there MUST have been a good reason for it. But who can know the mind of God…’
There’s a big difference – in terms of the events. In terms of the eschatological outcome? You’re right – God’s plan will win out, regardless. I’m not such a fatalist that I just shrug and say “whatever”, though.There is zero difference between God allowing anything at all to happen (because there MUST be a good reason behind it), to God doing anything at all.
Ahh… but they do! Especially when you bring the question of the eschaton into play!And in that case, words like love and just simply have no meaning when applied to Him.
You’ve just moved the goalposts. No one said anything about “excusing” any evil behavior! We just trust that God will make it all good in the end. Big difference.You can envisage the worst possible thing and your argument obliges you to excuse it for the greater good.
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