If I see a protestant leading others the wrong way with their doctrine should I correct them?

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I think if you’re on a NoFap forum, it’s better to focus on the main reason of being there, which is breaking your bad habit, and not on issuing religious corrections. You don’t go into an AA meeting full of evangelical Christians and start correcting them on religion. If you’re at the meeting, it’s because you have an alcohol addiction to conquer, not for any other purpose. Same for NoFap.

I would just leave it alone unless someone starts a thread or a forum where everybody shares religious views, then you can share yours.
Ugggg,…I just cringe every time I see “Protestants” used in such sweeping terms. Some are not too far off Catholic theology… 😇
Ugggg,…I just cringe every time I see “Protestants” used in such sweeping terms. Some are not too far off Catholic theology… 😇
And some whose theology is quite different are not Protestants either.

I think it is a term some Catholics love to use. :roll_eyes:
Why do we even need to have a word in our vocabulary for that? Who ever came up with that word?!W

Lol, that thing is a good way to refer to it.
I think the forum’s name and the Fapstronaut term are funny. I don’t mean to make light of a serious addiction, I’ve dealt with sexual sins too; but I at least appreciate good humor when I see it.

As for the salvation issue: I agree with Tis. At NoFap, OP; stay on topic. It’s not a Bible study group. You’re there to help others and yourself conquer what the devil uses to wreck lives.
You are probably talking to me. I know nothing of him. I was stupid to say that. I just over-reacted.
Please stay with the topic, or debate this somewhere else, thank you.
This sounds like a group that is the opposite of edifying. Find some Catholics to hang out with in real life!
Oh if only! I would love to, but there is no one in my school who is a devout Catholic. There is a Roman Catholic group that I am in that website though. I plan on asking one of my priests to be my spiritual director tomorrow so if he says yes then I will have someone.
Sometimes it’s best just to ignore it. As frustrating as it might be, you can’t persuade everyone to listen to reason, logic, and truth.
Please stay with the topic, or debate this somewhere else, thank you.
That subreddit is not religious in nature, even though it is frequented with Christians. The reasons given for why one might want to pursue the sub’s goal are all secular. So I don’t know if it’d help to add something that Catholicism logically demands.

Those people who are not our valid spouse are our siblings, and that means if you’re a man then any lust for a woman is lusting for your own sister. And if our Catholic sisters are our real sisters, and so lusting for them is fundamentally incestuous, then there is no justification either for lusting after women who are not our Catholic sisters either.

We are all family, and so all lust is incestuous desire for your sister. It is the root of incest, it is one of the reasons that Pope St. Gregory characterized lust as a capital or deadly sin, because it leads to other sins, and if we do not lust, then incest adultery and all other fornication will not happen either, since lust is the ‘head’ of those sins.

So in direct answer to the OP, I would warn other members of the sub to ‘keep it secular,’ and if they don’t abide by that, then try to interject something distinctively Catholic into the discussion, like what I outlined above, rather than go into a theological topic that is not apparently relevant, such as differences in soteriology.

Thank you for keeping me on the straight and narrow path.
Since there are clearly Protestants on the sub, perhaps they’ll heed Paul’s counsel to young Bishop St. Timothy:

“An ancient man rebuke not, but entreat him as a father: young men, as brethren: 2 Old women, as mothers: young women, as sisters, in all chastity.

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