Love has many faces,there is infatuation, falling in love with the idea of love, a shallow love or affection based on the psychological response to physical beauty, a Platonic sort of love, combined with a biological response, as is experienced by much of youth. There is the love of companionship, and a sharing of each other without any real commitment, a love of personal convenience, a self-centered love, one that you can walk away from. There is the love of each other that leads to a life commitment, for better or worse, when this is lived, it is unconditional love, a genuine, fruitful love.
It is human, in the present state of humanity to enjoy sexual pleasure in an irrational manner, in other words not in keeping with moral law which is the law of right reasoning regarding human conduct. We know this, and all are effected with this weakness. In our Faith there is a remedy supplied by our God-man Jesus Christ who instituted the Sacrament of “Reconciliation” we are forgiven for our transgressions as many times as we are contrite of heart (will), but what does some of the real world have to do with Faith, after all we acknowledge it is a “gift” of God and not all have this gift. Outside of this gift there is no resolution to the moral problems of the world Each generation that comes into this world will suffer the same condition. Life for a Christian is a real test of fidelity to God, a love of commitment to Him, and love for Him is shown by obeying His will for us, His will is to love Him with all our strength, and to love each other. His will is contained in His moral law. Do we live just for the present which is temporal, and enjoy all of llife’s pleasures, or do we live for our understanding and beliefs of an eternal state of enjoyment and happiness with God. Where does life lead you?