Many rejected Jesus when he was alive, preaching, healing, performing miracles. Narrow is the gate. We all have a flesh and spriit war going on. We live in the flesh, aspire to the spirit. The flesh side of man - be that carnal, the will, literally flesh or even the mind, imagination, etc. is capable of rejecting Christ. That is Christianity 101. People don’t like the idea of sacrifice, least among us is the most, we are not of this world, love your enemies. In many ways it is a miserable, thankless, empty existence, from the standpoint of the flesh. I think many would continue to go to great lengths to run from that even if they talked to the risen Christ for an hour. Even many who officially are on board - officially being the key word there. It can be a successful self-delusion - faith, being devout, a sort of ritual. Every day is a battle with the devil. Inside. Outside the faith people are thankful Jesus is so hard to believe in - leave that cross right where it lay.
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