Just because you could prove that a First Cause exists, you wouldn’t immediately jump to the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
Shannon - Kolmogorov information is completely inadequate to explain information in the DNA. Information scientists refer to five levels of information, in increasing complexity.You are misinformed. A duplication mutation increases Shannon information in DNA
You are falling for the circular reasoning fallacy, cause and effect (such as information and a designer) only apply to a universe with time, however a being outside of space-time-matter is immune from cause and effect. Without the dimension of time, there is no cause and effect, and all things that could exist in such a realm would have no need of being caused, but would have always existedSo, you agree that the information contained in your proposed eternal intelligent designer was not itself designed
It all depends on how you define “beneficial”, even those useful like antibiotic resistance in bacteria, are not an example of new information being added. Mutations alter a current functional system (i.e., nutrient transport) in the bacteria that is the target of the antibiotic such that the bacteria are no longer affected by it. It has come at the cost of that functional system performing its original function inefficiently or not at all. So overall the bacteria might survive but has lost functionality not added new information. This is the complete opposite of what should happen if evolution was true.However, there are a small number that are beneficial – “useful” in your terminology.
Which is, of course, the clinching argument against the universe being caused, and against the concept of a First Cause.You are falling for the circular reasoning fallacy, cause and effect (such as information and a designer) only apply to a universe with time, however a being outside of space-time-matter is immune from cause and effect. Without the dimension of time, there is no cause and effect,
If you are not using Shannon-Kolmogorov information then what measure of information are you using? If you do not have an accurate objective measure than you cannot say whether information is increasing, decreasing or remaining unchanged. I know how to measure Shannon-Kolmogorov information. I do not know how to measure whatever definition of ‘information’ you are using. Without an objective measure you are not doing science, but philosophy or theology.Shannon - Kolmogorov information is completely inadequate to explain information in the DNA.
So, there is no external cause of the material STEM universe, no creator. In the absence of time (the T in STEM) there is no cause (=creator) and no effect (=material universe).You are falling for the circular reasoning fallacy, cause and effect (such as information and a designer) only apply to a universe with time, however a being outside of space-time-matter is immune from cause and effect.
How do you know that no “new information” is added? Where is your measure of the information present before the mutation? Where is your measure of the information present after the mutation? Unless you have actual numbers from experimental results, all you have is personal opinion, which will not get you very far in science. You are making a statement here and not providing any supporting references. Where are your measurements of the quantities of information involved?even those useful like antibiotic resistance in bacteria, are not an example of new information being added.
It has also gained the function of being able to live in an environment containing that antibiotic. That is a loss and a gain. You need to measure to determine whether the loss outweighs the gain or vice versa. You cannot merely assume the answer you want. Again, we are back to measurement.Mutations alter a current functional system (i.e., nutrient transport) in the bacteria that is the target of the antibiotic such that the bacteria are no longer affected by it. It has come at the cost of that functional system performing its original function inefficiently or not at all.
Someone has misinformed you as to what evolution says. I suggest that you stop looking at sources which mislead you so badly.This is the complete opposite of what should happen if evolution was true.
You are again beating a dead horse by applying circular reasoning to a being outside of time/space/matter with the information and designer faulty logic. It’s already been addressed that outside of time, there is no cause and effect. However once time exists causes exist. Time/Space/Matter were created and all three had a beginning and a creator, so there is still a cause of the universe and a creator.Your proposed intelligent designer contains information, and that information was not itself designed.
Because such mutation is simply editing, existing genetic information, it is not adding anything new, just like I could edit a computer program to run faster, but that would not mean I created a new program.How do you know that no “new information” is added? Where is your measure of the information present before the mutation?
It might be better suited to survive the antibiotic, however it also came at the cost of another system now being not efficient or even functional, so there is a huge drawback, no new added genetic information is ever created, as again this is simply editing existing genetic information.It has also gained the function of being able to live in an environment containing that antibiotic. That is a loss and a gain
But this classic example of mutation/selection causing adaptation to a new environment is also a classic example of a mutation causing a downhill change. It very important to note that the genetic information for eyes, is still there, is simply not “activated” in the ones living inside the cave, so again no new information is being added, it is again simply activating or deactivating within existing generic information, based on the environment circumstances. So that does not help the evolution theory at allOne common example of evolution is blind cave fish.
You imply that time existed before its creation.It’s already been addressed that outside of time, there is no cause and effect. However once time exists causes exist. Time/Space/Matter were created and all three had a beginning and a creator, so there is still a cause of the universe and a creator
How can it obviously be incorrect when you have asserted that physical reality is the sufficient cause of intelligence?You are obviously incorrect here.
That doesn’t mean that they can be the sufficient cause of intelligent information… There can certainly be intermediate causes. But physical activity alone cannot be said to be the reason why there is such a thing as intelligent information without making an assertion .It can, but there are other processes that can produce information.
You are missing the point. The physical expression of D.N.A and how it is processed is irrelevant. It is the meaning contained within the D.N.A. that prompts somebody to ask where it came from?It can, but there are other processes that can produce information. You are assuming that those other processes do not exist. They do. In my previous post I showed two ways unintelligent mutations can increase the information in DNA.
And therefore there shouldn’t be traits like the flight or fight response or any traits that drive a creature to act toward the goal of survival, since physical reality is blind to life and the environments in which these organisms exist. We shouldn’t be able to produce meaningful goal directed information or activity if only blind natural forces and processes exist.Evolution does not have foresight.
What you are arguing is your own philosophical bias. It is not a scientific teaching that intelligent information is nothing more than a blind natural process.Science does not deal with “ultimate nature”, that is for theology or philosophy. For me it is a reification and can be ignored.
I am ignoring information I cannot measure. Show me how to measure it and I will talk about it. If you cannot measure it then any talk of “increase” or “decrease” is unsupported and ignorable.I see you are ignoring the other levels of information, so the statement that new information is being added to DNA by natural causes is false.
So time was only created after time already existed? Neat trick that! Obvious logical errors like this will not do you any favours. Time cannot be created. Creation/causation can only happen after time starts.However once time exists causes exist. Time/Space/Matter were created and all three had a beginning and a creator, so there is still a cause of the universe and a creator.
So, the Bible contains no new information because it was made by simply editing existing linguistic information. Nothing written or spoken in any language contains new information, it is simply an editing of existing information from the appropriate dictionary. This is the reason I need to see how you are measuring information. Unless you have a specified measure, you can make up any measure you want, even something as ridiculous as this.Because such mutation is simply editing, existing genetic information, it is not adding anything new,
So, humans have devolved from chimpanzees because we are not as good at climbing trees. Our tree-climbing system is less efficient than that of chimps, so our DNA obviously contains less information than a chimp’s. Their short-term memory is better than ours as well, see Chimp vs Human. That is two places where our DNA has less information than chimps.It might be better suited to survive the antibiotic, however it also came at the cost of another system now being not efficient
How do I tell “intelligent information” from “non-intelligent information”? Is the information contained in a pebble on a beach intelligent information or not? Why?But physical activity alone cannot be said to be the reason why there is such a thing as intelligent information without making an assertion .
Meaning is not information, and cannot be objectively measured. Here is some text with meaning:It is the meaning contained within the D.N.A. that prompts somebody to ask where it came from?
Unfortunately, the meaning is only clear to someone who can read Classical Tibetan. If your measure of information depends on who is looking at the text, then that measure is not objective, and hence is unlikely to be of much use scientifically.skad cig ma ste mig dang ni,
rnam shes khams dag so so dang,
lhan cig tu yang 'thob pa yod,
nang gi bcu gnyis gzugs la sogs,
ma gtogs chos zhes bya ba ni,
sten pa dang bcas lhag ma ni,
de dang mtsungs pa dag kyang yin,
gang zhig rang gi
And yet you say there is information to be obtained so long as i understand what the Tibetan meant by those symbols.Meaning is not information
No the measure of information is what is meant by the text. Otherwise it’s not information at all in any real intelligent sense.If your measure of information depends on who is looking at the text,
Meaning is not just subjective, it exists, it just doesn’t physically exist. And it’s use scientifically is irrelevant. Science has nothing to do with the question of whether or not intelligent information is proof of an intelligent cause, and that was never the point of my argument…If your measure of information depends on who is looking at the text, then that measure is not objective, and hence is unlikely to be of much use scientifically.
You need to first learn about the levels of information that I mentioned previously and prove the missing levels are also added by natural process, because they too are present within DNA. You have not do so, and not provided any proof to the contrary so the statement remains true.If you cannot measure it then any talk of “increase” or “decrease” is unsupported and ignorable.
Space and time were created. Space and time had a beginning. Which means there must be an agent beyond space and time that created our universe of matter, energy, space and time. If time was infinite, “today” could never be reached, since there would be an infinite amount of days that precedes it.Time cannot be created
You are again applying the incorrect criteria to know if new information is added to the Bible, I’ve already stated the information levels used to discern it, but you keep on going back to level 1 statistics which is unsuitable to know if meaningful info has been added or not.Bible contains no new information because it was made by simply editing existing linguistic information
You keep there because it is the only safe place to try to justify your opinion, however you are missing the various other levels of information stated before and the need to go beyond the Shannon and Kolmogorov, which is completely unsuitable to understand DNA on it’s own or make claims that new information has been added.That is why I stick to Shannon and Kolmogorov. There we have agreed measures which are well understood. None of your measures proposed so far can stand up to scrutiny.
I need to know how to measure those additional levels. Without an objective measure then any talk of increase or decrease is useless.You need to first learn about the levels of information that I mentioned previously and prove the missing levels are also added by natural process, because they too are present within DNA. You have not do so, and not provided any proof to the contrary so the statement remains true
You have stated them, but you have not provided any way to measure them. You are making an unsupported assertion about the quantity of information. You need to support your assertion with an argument including worked measures: “This piece of original DNA contains 42 quatloos of information, while the altered DNA contains 53 quatloos.” Absent actual measurements, all you have is opinion and no quatloos.You are again applying the incorrect criteria to know if new information is added to the Bible, I’ve already stated the information levels used to discern it, but you keep on going back to level 1 statistics which is unsuitable to know if meaningful info has been added or not.
How do I measure those other levels? If you do not provide a way to measure information, then you cannot scientifically show that intelligence in needed to increase information content. If you do not know how much there is to start with, then you cannot determine if it has increased or decreased, obviously. That is why I stick with Shannon information; I can measure it and determine if it is increasing or decreasing. Only when you can provide me with a objective measure of those other levels of information will I talk about increases or decreases. If there is no measure, then all talk of increase or decrease is unsupported.You keep there because it is the only safe place to try to justify your opinion, however you are missing the various other levels of information stated before and the need to go beyond the Shannon and Kolmogorov, which is completely unsuitable to understand DNA on it’s own or make claims that new information has been added.
So if time started when the big bang happened there was no dimension of time before it happened so there couldnt have been a cause for the big bang. You have said that it always existed and thats whats a lot of people think. If it always existed and didnt need a cause then we wouldnt need god to make it happen.Without the dimension of time, there is no cause and effect, and all things that could exist in such a realm would have no need of being caused, but would have always existed
But you said that before time was created there was no need for a cause. Its in the post above this one. So maybe you didnt mean to say it the way you did. But if you did it doesnt make any sense.rossum:![]()
You need to first learn about the levels of information that I mentioned previously and prove the missing levels are also added by natural process, because they too are present within DNA. You have not do so, and not provided any proof to the contrary so the statement remains true.If you cannot measure it then any talk of “increase” or “decrease” is unsupported and ignorable.
Space and time were created. Space and time had a beginning. Which means there must be an agent beyond space and time that created our universe of matter, energy, space and time.