Namely, that social distancing and masks are not necessary in clusters of protesters because clusters of protesters do not wear them.
Yes, you are correct that it doesn’t make it ok. The larger point here is the blatant inconsistency of the media, and their ACTIVE participation in shaping what is portrayed as “the news:”
Murderous to protest during a pandemic? Such gatherings, we were told, would spread the virus at hyper speed and directly result in countless deaths.
Vox published an article assuring us that protesting under these conditions is racist because it might kill black people.
An article on repeated the once-common argument that protestors shouldn’t receive medical care if they contract the virus.
The Guardian warned that protestors might be spreading the virus “far and wide.”
Jimmy Kimmel, among others, said that protesters are “suicidal.”
Others called the protests “reckless” and “mind-bogglingly selfish.”
The Washington Post assured us that demonstrators “don’t care about lives” while Slate accused them of “twisting the idea of liberty.”
Another Washington Post op-ed compared protesters to Typhoid Mary, as The Week and The Nation both agreed it is “dangerous” to be out rallying at a time like this. USA Today was even more direct, saying that protesters are “risking your health.”
These are just a few examples.
Currently in Minneapolis and throughout the nation, mass looting is probably not exactly a more worthy cause than standing up against the disastrous and unconstitutional lockdowns that decimated the economy and shredded the Bill of Rights, but that’s beside the point. The point is that the very act of protesting, or of forming large groups for any other reason, was supposed to put many lives at risk, thus was worthy of condemnation (and prohibition by the government).
In one fell swoop, literally overnight, all of that was put to the side.