If the Holy Trinity goes beyond human logic, why can't it be true but simply beyond our logic that all religions are true?

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My spouse stumped me with this one in a discussion.
We can’t fathom how the Trinity can be one but in three Persons. It seems illogical but somehow is true.
As Catholics we believe our religion is objectively the true one and since other religions state contradicting things, they can’t logically also be true.
Some people, however, say that in a way all religions are true, they just cover different facets of life or serve a different purpose depending on when, where, or by whom they are practiced.

The question is, why can one of these things (the Trinity) seem illogical but be true, and the other (multiple true religions) can’t? Or rather, how do I prove that to be the case?
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I don’t think The Trinity goes beyond human logic. There’s nothing logically inconsistent about the idea. God the Father doesn’t contradict God the Son. (Same will.)

But there would be a huge logical problem with the idea that all religions are true. (Law of excluded middle / non-contradiction)
Can we worship Mammon and God?
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My spouse stumped me with this one in a discussion.
We can’t fathom how the Trinity can be one but in three Persons. It seems illogical but somehow is true. …
But since the persons of the Trinity are real relations and relationship does not import composition (Aristotle Metaphysics, Part 4), The Holy Trinity can logically be simple. St. Thomas Aquinas states:
Reply to Objection 4. Relations which result from the mental operation alone in the objects understood are logical relations only, inasmuch as reason observes them as existing between two objects perceived by the mind. Those relations, however, which follow the operation of the intellect, and which exist between the word intellectually proceeding and the source whence it proceeds, are not logical relations only, but are real relations; inasmuch as the intellect and the reason are real things, and are really related to that which proceeds from them intelligibly; as a corporeal thing is related to that which proceeds from it corporeally. Thus paternity and filiation are real relations in God.
My spouse stumped me with this one in a discussion.
We can’t fathom how the Trinity can be one but in three Persons. It seems illogical but somehow is true.
As Catholics we believe our religion is objectively the true one and since other religions state contradicting things, they can’t logically also be true.
Some people, however, say that in a way all religions are true, they just cover different facets of life or serve a different purpose depending on when, where, or by whom they are practiced.

The question is, why can one of these things (the Trinity) seem illogical but be true, and the other (multiple true religions) can’t? Or rather, how do I prove that to be the case?
All religions being true is a self-contradiction and the Trinity is not.
The Trinity is not illogical, it is just beyond human comprehension. Much like a dog trying to comprehend algebra. But we can still grasp certain truths based on Divine Revelation. We understand that Jesus is the Eternal Word of God who became man. In theology, God The Father is the Eternal Thought Who Begot the Eternal Word. And the Truth and Love Between the Two proceeds the Third Person of the Holy Trinity: The Holy Spirit. Three Persons One God.

A human analogy would be the human family which is a reflection of the Holy Trinity. A man and a woman conceive a child. Three persons one family sharing the same human nature.

Since the dawn of humanity every civilization has reasoned the necessity of a creator. But because man is finite, and God is Infinite, different cultures have formulated their own concept of who and what God is; thus the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Aztecs, the Phoenicians, The Vikings, the Hindus, the Native Americans, to the Pygmy tribes on remote islands, have naturally wondered and built concepts with their own imagination mixed with legends superstition and untruths.

The only way for man to truly know Who and What God is, is for God to reveal Himself to man. And that’s the whole point of the Bible: God revealing Himself to humanity, beginning with Abraham, continuing through Moses, and and culminating with His Incarnation in Jesus Christ.
Jesus founded His Church to teach the Truth throughout the ages until the end of time. I would recommend studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church which explains it all.

The Gospel of John begins:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. . . . And The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. John 1:1-14*
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As a followup, here’s a metaphor that my spouse used for claiming that, although it may seem like the description of different religions is contraditiory, it doesn’t necessarily follow that they can’t all be true.

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@VanitasVanitatum but it shows that there may not be a contradiction in a place where we think we see one.
Notice how all the blind men are all logically wrong, though. An elephant is neither a trunk, nor a rope, nor a snake. They are all correct by analogy only. A collection of different analogies can all be correct, but not logical contradictions.
It’d be like saying “all religions are true” and “all religions are false” are both true.
@Neithan thank you, great idea on how to carry my discussion further
The Elephants analogy is somewhat like how the Church views other religions, as there may be truth in them. But the Church teaches that it alone has the fullness of truth and revelation, that the one God became man in Jesus Christ and established this Church. One can’t be a good Catholic and believe in the syncretist ideas your spouse is suggesting.
@Lion_IRC A husband and a wife can have the same will but not be one human being. Why would same will make or break the unity of God the Father and God the Son?

@Gab123 your explanation of the Trinity is not accurate.
Even if a man, a woman, and a child create one family and share the same human nature, they are still three human beings, not one. So by your analogy, the three Persons of the Godhead would share in their divine nature but still be three gods, and that’s just not true.
So by pure human logic the Trinity still doesn’t make sense. It’s like in the story of St. Augustine. But why would anything else have to make logical sense to be considered true then?
So by your analogy, the three Persons of the Godhead would share in their divine nature but still be three gods, and that’s just not true.
So by pure human logic the Trinity still doesn’t make sense.
Hold up on this point. First, this is why I dislike analogies for the Trinity. There’s an inaccuracy in every analogy.

However, you write that it doesn’t make sense by “pure human logic.” That is incorrect. It doesn’t make sense if you think of God like a creature, which he is not. The notion of one being who is three persons, and three persons who are one being, is something other than anything we’ve encountered in our experience. However, it is not illogical or contradictory, especially if you delve into what we mean by person in the Godhead and don’t think of it as exactly what we generally mean when we talk about persons among humans.
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Even if a man, a woman, and a child create one family and share the same human nature, they are still three human beings, not one. So by your analogy, the three Persons of the Godhead would share in their divine nature but still be three gods, and that’s just not true.
Yes, analogies are simply to try to grasp how three can still be one yet distinct. A Person in the Trinity is not the same thing as a person in the world. A Person in the Trinity is a Relationship, and only described as a Person.

The Holy Trinity is a Mystery of the Faith. Analogies for the Trinity simply show how three things can still be one. For example, you can think the word “Love”, speak the word “Love”, and Love. Three distinct relationships yet one and the same. H2O can be water, ice, and steam; three distinct yet one nature.

God made everything out of nothing; how does that make logic sense? Hard to grasp, yet true. Even science explains that Time and Matter came into existence with the Big Bang where the Cause of time and matter were outside of time itself (Eternal) and outside of matter itself (Spiritual).

The fact that evil and untruth exists proves that not all things are good and true. All religions cannot be true simply because Truth cannot contradict itself.
I would first like you to explain how your wife and yourself came to the conclusion that, on the face of it, the concept of the Trinity is illogical.
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