If we cannot attend Mass due to this pandemic, are we actually practicing Catholicism correctly?

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Just wondering how this works.
You do realize that for centuries, and even today. there have been many Catholics who live in areas where Mass and the sacraments are not regularly available. They may have the opportunity to attend Mass only once a year, or even less often.

It would be wrong to say that they are not practicing their faith correctly, as God does not demand the impossibly of us. Same thing in the present situation. We can only do what is possible, and will not be held to account for not doing the impossible.
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Of course we are. We have moved all our bible studies online ( I coordinate them), RCIA has been moved online, and the mass has done the same. Frequently, some members have been joining the Bible studies early to pray the rosary too (we are using zoom for the studies and RCIA).

Although, just a few days ago I was informed we will be resuming mass at our parish (restricted to 300 persons though, everyone else can watch it over the internet) for those who want to attend and the Eucharist will be available right outside the main church entrance at the end of mass for all who show up (Thanks be to God, because it has been a while since we have been able to receive communion).
We need to start realising that for most of us we are in a privileged position as, under normal circumstances, we can access the Sacraments day by day. For some in the world they can only access the Sacraments once a month, every so many months, or even annually.
No, we are not practicing it correctly if by that you mean how God would intend. But that is beyond our control. We practice as best we can.
As my priest pointed out in his most recent pastoral letter to us, saving and protecting live supersedes all of our other religious duties.
Since people are exposed to and die of diseases constantly does that logic extend beyond covid 19?
So it matters how many die? Of course you can’t speak for your priest but I wonder what the threshold is. How many deaths are acceptable and at what point is it unacceptable? Just curious questions we all will have to ask as we open up in society.
Our bishop streams masses on Sunday with spiritual communion.
I’m sure you dont think just going to mass makes you a Catholic any more then sitting in your garage makes you a car…
My mom died Easter without a mass. She got last rights. No priest at burial site. Or viewing
Thank you for the confusion. These times are different so look to the Lord not yourself.
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So it matters how many die? Of course you can’t speak for your priest but I wonder what the threshold is. How many deaths are acceptable and at what point is it unacceptable? Just curious questions we all will have to ask as we open up in society.
No deaths are necessary. If, by attending Mass or any religious gathering, you endanger the health of yourself or others in any way, you are obligated not to attend, and are automatically released from your Sunday obligation. The common cold is reason enough, or a sore throat. Even erring on the side of caution is reason enough.

Even being too tired to drive safely is a good enough reason. I have often missed Mass for exactly that reason, especially back in the day when I worked 25 hour shifts in the emergency room.
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So it matters how many die? Of course you can’t speak for your priest but I wonder what the threshold is. How many deaths are acceptable and at what point is it unacceptable? Just curious questions we all will have to ask as we open up in society.
I wonder where these talking points are coming from? I doubt very much if it is as spontaneous and grassroots as some would have us believe.
Yes, we’re practicing Catholicism correctly. Our bishops have made the decision to suspend Mass for good reasons, and we are being obedient to their authority in religious matters, as we’re supposed to do.
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Well for me personally. Just my own head because I don’t follow the logic of how this is being rolled out. In fact the thing that I find odd and coordinated is the absolute lockstep way officials in the church and government have reacted. Most orders read exactly the same way with a level of solidarity we have never achieved in any subject secular or ecclesiastical
No, we are not practicing it correctly if by that you mean how God would intend.
According to your opinion on “how God would intend”, which differs from the opinion of our bishops.

I will follow the Bishops, thank you. I think they have more knowledge on this matter than random laypeople on the Internet.
I will follow the bishops as well. I’m sure God intends the free worship and use of the sacraments to every single living person in the planet. That is not and has not ever been achieved for what ever reason. But it is certainly what He intends.
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Most orders read exactly the same way
Of course given the fact that most are implementing recommendations from the same source (CDC, which is the organization specifically tasked with making such recommendations in the US) it would make sense that they be similar. Much like my impression of the wording in all of these “spontaneous” protests being so similar as to indicate a common source. Thanks for supporting my point.

Of course to use the term “absolute lockstep” is rather off point since there really are significant variations in implementation. Consider the fact that Georgia has started opening up to an extent while Virginia is still closed down to a much more significant degree, just for example.
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