Okay here is the quote by Saint Thomas being referred to,
As God possesses the power to create whatever can be made at all, there is in Him the promise and potency of all possible being. In Him all things that are or ever can be exist eminently and virtually.’ He is all that they are, but in a better and more excellent way, – in some such way as a seal is in regard of all the impressions that ever can be taken of it, or as a king in regard of a viceroy or lord-lieutenant: so much so that actual creation makes no addition to God or to the sum total of Being absolutely speaking. – Cf. Isa. xl…
Now in the category of efficient causation everything is reducible ultimately to one cause, which is God, of whom are all things. Everything therefore that actually is in any other thing must be found in God much more eminently than in the thing itself; God then is most perfect. Hence the answer given to Moses by the Lord, when he sought to see the divine face or glory: I will show thee all good (Exod. xxxiii, 19)…
And thus in very name that we utter, if we consider the mode of signification, there is found an imperfection that does not attach to God, although the thing signified may attach to God in some eminent way, as appears in the name goodness’ and good.’ Goodness’ denotes something as not subsisting by itself: good,’ something as concrete and composite. In this respect, then, no name befits God suitably except in respect of that which the name is imposed to signify. Such names therefore may be both affirmed and denied of God, affirmed on account of the meaning of the name, denied on account of the mode of signification. But the mode of supereminence, whereby the said perfections are found in God, cannot be signified by the names imposed by us, except either by negation, as when we call God eternal’ or infinite,’ or by reference or comparison of Him to other things, as when He is called the First Cause’ or the Sovereign Good.’ For we cannot take in (capere) [66] of God what He is, but what He is not, and how other beings stand related to Him…
Nevertheless a pure spirit by knowing its own substance knows the existence of God, and that God is the cause of all, and eminent above all, and removed (remotus) from all, not only from all things that are, but from all that the created mind can conceive. To this knowledge of God we also may attain in some sort: for from the effects of His creation we know of God that He is, and that He is the cause (sustaining principle) of other beings, super-eminent above other beings, and removed from all. And this is the highest perfection of our knowledge in this life: hence Dionysius says (De mystica theologia c. 2) that “we are united with God as with the unknown”; which comes about in this way, that we know of God what He is not, but what He is remains absolutely unknown. And to show the ignorance of this most sublime knowledge it is said of Moses that he drew nigh to the darkness in which God was (Exod. xx, 21). [601]…
Continuing : I will analyze :
In the first three paragraphs God is defined and the thought s introduced.
Next in the fourth paragraph it is stated,
“And thus in very name that we utter, if we consider the mode of signification, there is found an imperfection that does not attach to God, although the thing signified may attach to God in some eminent way, as appears in the name goodness’ and good.”
here we see a foundation is being built for the balance of thought and developing conclusions and observations.
It is assumed in the above analysis that imperfection is not good.
where is the back-up to make this conviction and continue using as the full foundation to make a point in the subject ? How is it not a manipulation on words and meaning to get at bridging to value good. taking the subject without moderation into the intellectual labratory. Don’t get me wrong I like many of the quotes by Saint Thomas I see but there seems to be a missing moderation.