Doesn’t really follow. The separation between sex and procreation started with Onan (and probably well before). It’s a pretty natural human idea to try to have fun and minimize risk and responsibility.
Murder has also been around a while. Rape and prostitution, too.
All very natural…for our fallen human nature.
Been over that. Informed consent cannot be truly verified.
Been over this, too – your statement is without foundation, either legal or logical. I’m amazed that you continue to flout it.
As a side note, I don’t think anyone really believes you when you claim this. I’m hesitant to say that I honestly think
you don’t even believe this, regardless of what you claim.
Not surprising at all. The mind is very strange, and who really knows where some of its proclivities originate?
Agreed. Same thing for same sex attraction. The people who claim, “I was born this way,” or, “God made me this way,” have always left me wondering how they could be so sure…
A genetic cause for pedophilic tendencies does not, however, excuse assaulting children one bit
Agreed, but you’re begging the question when you use value statements like"excuse" and “assaulting”. If I were to say that same sex acts assault both partners (which they do), and consent doesn’t excuse them, you probably wouldn’t accept that.
Which makes me wonder why you accept it here…
– just as a genetic cause for homosexual attractions doesn’t excuse homosexuality in the eyes of people predisposed to believe it’s ‘evil’.
Homosexuality is not “evil”, it’s disordered. Homosexual *acts *are “evil”, in that they are contrary to our nature. Then are contrary both to our personal good and the communal good.
The individual shouldn’t be the base unit of analysis for a society. It should be the family.
It’s just a lot more sensible to condemn pedophilia on the grounds of consent – there’s no such damning characteristic to adult homosexuality that isn’t based on religion.
Consent is legal determination by the legislature. That’s it. The legislature has set various ages for consent…18 for contracts, sometimes 16 for marriage, and sometimes 14 for sex. The ability to consent is whenever the legislature says it is, legally.
Should the legislature lower the age of consent for sexual activity to 9 years old (as an orthodox Muslim-influenced legislature might), your response is pretty weak.
If you’re not going to base your “age of consent” on the law, you had better produce the science. Tell me, where has science determined humans to first be capable of rational judgment?
As for the damning characteristics for homosexual acts, would you please tell me the average life expectancy of a homosexual male in Canada, and then the average life expectancy of a heterosexual male in Canada just prior to the 20th century?
How about the CDC’s statistics on
HIV/AIDS (despite increased availability of condoms and “awareness”),
LGV, and
other STDs? Nah…the CDC is probably biased…and these people consented, so these epidemiological concerns don’t
really concern us as a society…better to let people do what they want…and maybe even give them government incentives for doing so…
It is interesting to note that our ideas of what constitutes a ‘proper age’ for sex have drastically increased since what are often incorrectly regarded as the prudish Middle Ages.
Have no fear…as we continue to lose sight of the purposes of sex, it will slide down again.
When we finally convince people to drop these exalted religious views of sex, we can finally attain the view that sex is only for pleasure and there’s good no reason withhold pleasure from a child. Do we withhold ice cream? No? Then why what is simply another form of physical pleasure?
God Bless,