Here’s the cliffs notes of my current issue:
We found out there’s higher risk of possibility of our baby having Down’s Syndrome
She doesn’t want that life, and wants to “save” the child from a sad existence. I understand life will be completely different, but that life is still just a precious.
We have come to an impasse. She said that if I “make” her have the baby, she’ll resent me. If she were to abort the baby, I would resent her.
I don’t understand where I would go from there. If this occurs, can I fight for my child’s rights? I know courts nearly always side with the woman. Am I supposed to continue my marriage to someone who murdered my child? What does catholicism say about this?
We found out there’s higher risk of possibility of our baby having Down’s Syndrome
She doesn’t want that life, and wants to “save” the child from a sad existence. I understand life will be completely different, but that life is still just a precious.
We have come to an impasse. She said that if I “make” her have the baby, she’ll resent me. If she were to abort the baby, I would resent her.
I don’t understand where I would go from there. If this occurs, can I fight for my child’s rights? I know courts nearly always side with the woman. Am I supposed to continue my marriage to someone who murdered my child? What does catholicism say about this?