We have a mortgage (21 years left on it).
No. Just 1 extra payment a year toward the principle can cut your mortgage time considerably. Also, I wouldn’t put a large sum of money in it unless I had to to sell it or I was planning on retireing in it.
We have a 1994 Geo Metro that we are needing to replace.
We live off of one income…I am disabled.
We do not have any savings.
We do not have any investments.
What would you do in our situation? We are leaning towards a vehicle because we could never take one on payments. We would like to have a safer more reliable vehicle for any future children.
Go for a reliable and gas saving car. HAGGLE! Full amount up front is a HUGE money saver and negotiating tool! Even if you later have more than the 2 kids to fit in back, dh can use this smaller car for work driving. Do not mention trading your current car! It has nothing to do with the price of the car you’re buying. Sell it on your own.
We have until next summer to make a decision. As someone pointed out, it is not a lot of money. We would like to do the “smartest” thing with it and i am looking for advice.
Investing the rest depends on what you need to invest in. I don’t know the physical needs of your disablity, but if you have a need in that area - investing in your health is just as important, if not more important, than financial investments.
**Otherwise, I’d invest in Ave Marie Mutual Funds. They only carry stocks/companies that do not contribute to things against Church teachings. (No companies with homesexual partner plans, no companies that sponsor abortion rights, etc…) **