If you have a good, solid relationship with God... help me

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Wow, YinYangMom.

I don’t know what time zone you’re in… me, it’s 10:00 right now. I’m going to go ponder what you said and then go to sleep. I think you hit it exactly.

But thank you. Thank you so much.
Actually, no. Your logic falls apart right at the statement “the only reason right is right is because God said so.” God does not just make up whatever rules He wants. This is a misunderstanding of the nature of God.

God is perfect. His rules come not from some arbitrary choice, but are an expression of His perfect nature. God isn’t anything in particular; He just IS. St. Anselm defines God as “that than which nothing greater can be thought.” God isn’t just a perfect being. He is the definition of perfection. Kinda boggles the mind, doesn’t it?

Anyway–God, in His perfection, cannot sin. He cannot break His own rules. He cannot make a triangle have four sides, nor can he make 2+2=5. Therefore, when you sin you are not disagreeing with God’s opinion; you are violating an objective Truth that is as much a part of God as your mind is a part of you.

This is all very complex thinking material. I strongly second the above St. Thomas Aquinas reading recommendation. It explains things far better than I can.
What a lovely post. This is one of the most clear and logical interpretations I have seen.

Thank you, and God Bless.

Do you read the bible? And if so, does it help you at all?

Pride goeth before the fall…

Beware of the path you are taking. There’s only two. God or the evil one.
mitzi1155 - Do I read the Bible? On and off. But growing up in a Catholic school (whose religion program hardly got beyond Bible stories and don’t do drugs) I’m familiar with most of the stories, and this makes everything feel redundant. Yes, I am aware that there is more to the Bible than stories, but whatever else there is I can’t find it.

I don’t understand how people find comfort in the bible or are helped or anything… maybe I’m doing something wrong or maybe I’m not doing something right… I don’t know. But I feel like what’s the use, it’s just a bunch of words. I know it’s not but it feels like it is.

Lots of people say the Bible helps them or they feel so much comfort… naturally, I envy that.
Beware of the path you are taking. There’s only two. God or the evil one.
That was why I made the post.
cardenio said:
mitzi1155 - Do I read the Bible? On and off. But growing up in a Catholic school (whose religion program hardly got beyond Bible stories and don’t do drugs) I’m familiar with most of the stories, and this makes everything feel redundant. Yes, I am aware that there is more to the Bible than stories, but whatever else there is I can’t find it.

I don’t understand how people find comfort in the bible or are helped or anything… maybe I’m doing something wrong or maybe I’m not doing something right… I don’t know. But I feel like what’s the use, it’s just a bunch of words. I know it’s not but it feels like it is.

Lots of people say the Bible helps them or they feel so much comfort… naturally, I envy that.

That was why I made the post.

Proverbs and Psalms are my favs. Such wisdom. And of course what Jesus says. And then what the apostles write after Jesus’ death. Have you read enough to find out if it would comfort you? Do you pray? You can’t force feelings. And your nervousness about not feeling the right way will block out feeling the right way. Try reading the bible and praying and relaxing while you do so. If you have a soft heart to God - miracles happen. Things can happen that you know beyond the shadow of a doubt it was from the divine. All I can say is relax about it. Is there something stopping you from getting close to God as a father…like maybe a bad relationship with your own? I’m just saying this because I knew a guy whose father abandoned him and the idea of honoring a father in heaven repulses him. I’m probably getting off the track now. How I wish you would be close to God. I will pray for you tonight. Take the right path! If you want to be happy and safe and all good things fight for it.

God Bless!
cardenio said:
mitzi1155 - Do I read the Bible? On and off. But growing up in a Catholic school (whose religion program hardly got beyond Bible stories and don’t do drugs) I’m familiar with most of the stories, and this makes everything feel redundant. Yes, I am aware that there is more to the Bible than stories, but whatever else there is I can’t find it.

I don’t understand how people find comfort in the bible or are helped or anything… maybe I’m doing something wrong or maybe I’m not doing something right… I don’t know. But I feel like what’s the use, it’s just a bunch of words. I know it’s not but it feels like it is.

Lots of people say the Bible helps them or they feel so much comfort… naturally, I envy that.

That was why I made the post.

Oh, Cardenio, please…take the time to attend a seminar by Jeff Cavins about “The Great Adventure” and if you can, find the dvds or cds and follow the 24 week study program.

This man has done a wonderful service to show us how to read the Bible (in what order), tying it to secular history at the time, and revealing how Christ and the Catholic Church do indeed fulfill God’s original plan.

The Bible is so much more than stories and rules and regulations…but if you read it piecemeal, it’s really easy to get bored or lost. Jeff guides you through it so that it makes sense.

Took my 16 year old son to a weekend seminar. He forgot to take his ADD medicine but he was so engaged in Jeff’s presentation style and with what Jeff was saying, he was able to focus the entire weekend. It’s that good.
sorry it’s been a while - computer virus, a bunch of garbage trying to get it fixed, wouldn’t let me open certain pages…bleah

YinYangMom - I will definitely look into that. Thank you.
I know I’m coming in a little late, but thought I’d add my two cents.

I sometimes get the same way you do. I give myself a headache trying to figure out what God was THINKING creating such a messy world. Why didn’t he just skip this messy part and let us spend eternity with Him? Why doesn’t he intervene more? I drive myself crazy. The only thing that helps me is prayer and adoration. I open my mind up and give it all to Him. He who knows my frustration over not knowing how and why everything is. I console myself with knowing that someday I WILL know.

You have a LOT of good suggestions here. Pick the one that works for you and just give it all to God. I’m sure we aren’t the first ones He has heard from with these questions.

God Bless you in your search.
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