I have the same problem. After 8 years we are making SOME progress, finally, I don’t know if he has matured some or because he went to school and I became the bread winner for a while, although I am not working after Wed., and he has 2 jobs now.
We don’t have credit cards, only debit cards, although that has caused many a fight in bounced check fees from him not telling me about charges.
Oh, and something else that helped change his ways, our electricitry got cut off one time, I didn’t have $ to pay the bill, and he had to pawn some of his tools and my wedding ring so we could get it back on. I think it was pawning my wedding ring that did it to him. So now things are better but not perfect, and I have even begun looking into how I can separate my finances from him. I want to rebuild my credit to buy a house (we have rented for 8 years, and have 6 kids… getting hard to find landlords) but I can’t do it when he ignores creditors. (if anybody knows how to do this without a legal separation or divorce let me know!)
We recently have gone to a cash budget. It is not set in stone, and if we run short we
do use the debit card. $100/week groceries and diapers, $80/week van gas, $50/week car gas, and $20 for each of us, for whatever we want. He spends his on Cokes. I spend mine on cookies and books. And I actually withdraw the cash on Friday and put in envelopes.
Interesting note: He spends, I plan and budget and think about buying something for weeks sometimes.
Growing up, he went to his parents, asked for $, they gave him usually more than he asked for.
My parents gave me my allowance on the 1st and 15th of the month (so I could get used to living on paycheck time) and I had to buy everything I wanted (aside from school stuff) with it. I wanted to go to a movie, I better have the $. I wanted new shoes, my $. My mom would buy me new shoes when the old ones were unwearable, AND we could no longer fix them with Shoe Goo.
Amazing what impact parents have on finances.
You can only control what YOU do. You can’t control what your spouse does. Spending $ because your spouse does will not help you out of the red and into the black.
You may consider setting up a separate account, a household account, and moving all the money needed for the week/month over. An account he doesn’t have a debit card or can write checks on.
I had to save up $1000 copay to have a baby, I opened an account in my name only and when i deposited the paychecks, I took $100 in cash and put it in the account. I just got to $1000 but I think I will keep doing it. I didn’t think we had a $100/week extra, but if it’s not in the checking account, it didn’t get spent. So I think I will keep doing it because our dryer is on it’s last legs, the van needs new shocks, and 2 of the kids need beds.
You may consider learning to be frugal, and saving $. This is what saved me until my husband recently, and painfully slowly, has indicated he may be willing to work with me finance wise.
Here’s a good website: The Dollar Stretcher,
Lots of info on finances, saving $, frugal lifestyles, and even uncooperative spouses.
PS as far as counseling- your priest should be free of charge. At the very least, Confession is. Confess your resentment towards your husband, and also spending $ you don’t have, be absolved, talk to the priest, and see if things don’t improve.
Good luck