If You Were God

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First off, I know I would do everything exactly the same as God did, according to the Catholic Faith.

Second, since the OP is presenting the challenge of proposing better work as Creator, I would like to hear what would be the greatest creation of Pallas Athene, Tomdstone, DaddyGirl, Bahman, Mike, and Jelrak.

Thanks for sharing the interesting questions, and I look forward to further discussion!
Thank you for the interest. I think my greatest single creation would have to be hydrogen.

Second to that might be the laws of physics.

Third would have to be the Internet. 😉

Alternately, if this might require a completely new creation, I would have to consider a virus that would be designed to quickly infect all of humanity so that any purposeful major falsehood might cause their nose to grow…
I would refrain from creating Pat Albertson (and a lot of other people). Pat Albertson will probably just end up burning in hell for eternity, so it would probably be best not to have created him.

If I were God, I would just create good people destined for heaven, not evil people, and not people who were little more than screw-ups (case in point: Pat Albertson). Also, cats and kittens would always go to heaven because they deserve it.
Yours would be too boring a place even to visit…especially with no Pat Albertson…!
I think my greatest single creation would have to be hydrogen.

Second to that might be the laws of physics. …
The laws of physics are valid in the universe known by man. They could be different elsewhere.
The laws of physics are valid in the universe known by man. They could be different elsewhere.
Agreed, but simply consider me a lazy and plagiaristic god since I would happily copy the ones from this universe given that they appear to work already…less hassle that way…
I’d definitely take out all the commandments that revolve around praising me to make room for doing good.
Thanks for considering the question further, however, you are sharing what you wouldn’t do. I am interested in what your greatest creation would be. Since you have proposed you would set certain rules for family, friends and strangers, which would be your greatest creation: family, friends, or strangers?
Thank you for the interest. I think my greatest single creation would have to be hydrogen.

Alternately, if this might require a completely new creation, I would have to consider a virus that would be designed to quickly infect all of humanity so that any purposeful major falsehood might cause their nose to grow…
You have proposed your greatest creation would be hydrogen, yet you would go on to create laws of physics, a virus designed for humans, and humans. How do you conclude hydrogen is the greatest? From the list proposed, I see humanity as your greatest because it is your final creation. You even took the time to create things for humanity, which suggests it is a greater creation.

Thanks for further discussion!
I would create absolutely nothing. It would be totally perfect, forever. And, there would be no critics to give me a hard time about it! 😉 😛
O.K., so you are now God and infinitely smarter than the Judeo-Christian God.

Tell how you would have done a better job as Creator of the universe.
I don’t know that other people would have the same motivation for creating the universe. Look at people that build simulated worlds for their own interest and entertainment. They may find the activity enjoyable and have no interest in making little beings to praise them.

You and I have already talked about John Conway’s Game of Life, which might be an example of such a thing.
You have proposed your greatest creation would be hydrogen, yet you would go on to create laws of physics, a virus designed for humans, and humans. How do you conclude hydrogen is the greatest? From the list proposed, I see humanity as your greatest because it is your final creation. You even took the time to create things for humanity, which suggests it is a greater creation.

Thanks for further discussion!
Would not the virus necessarily be my final creation…? But I digress…

Is the builder of a tower likely more concerned with the finishing touches or with the strength of the foundation? For what might matter most in a storm?

Given the ubiquity of hydrogen as the foundational element in all visible matter it seemed appropriate to acknowledge that without it one might have difficulty creating much else…therefor it must needs be among my greatest creations…

As for humanity being the highest creation? It seems unlikely. Otherwise why might most on this world long for a better place? A place not run by humanity…? Surely I could do better…perhaps by using elves…?

Although to be fair to you, if you were interested in my most complex creation, I would have to acknowledge it would be biology in general. It is fascinating to consider what I have done–ah, I mean to say: it is fascinating to consider the myriad lifeforms on our world…one must not get carried away…! 😉
Thanks for considering the question further, however, you are sharing what you wouldn’t do. I am interested in what your greatest creation would be.
You may want to read what I wrote again. I say in no uncertain terms things that I would do. I would do many things that the God of the Bible should have done but didn’t do.
Since you have proposed you would set certain rules for family, friends and strangers, which would be your greatest creation: family, friends, or strangers?
I’m not understanding what you mean by that question. What do you mean by greatest creation? I would think laying down a clear set of rules that would not allow the cruelty laid out by God in Judeo-Christianity would be one of the greatest creations possible. Also are you asking me to choose between family, friends, or strangers as to what my greatest creation would be?
Would not the virus necessarily be my final creation…? But I digress…
The virus wouldn’t be your final creation because the virus is designed to build up humanity. Therefore, a greater humanity is still your final creation. Now there is definitely a oneness of the greatest of all your creations, however, the question of greatest creation is challenging us to consider why create? As God, the Creator of everything, you are the only thing, until you create something. If hydrogen is really the thing you long to create, you would become content after its creation and have no further desire to create.
As for humanity being the highest creation? It seems unlikely. Otherwise why might most on this world long for a better place? A place not run by humanity…? Surely I could do better…perhaps by using elves…?
A better place not run by humanity does not change that humanity is still the highest creation because most envision a better place for humanity. The better place still serves humanity, just as your virus serves the betterment of humanity.
Although to be fair to you, if you were interested in my most complex creation, I would have to acknowledge it would be biology in general. It is fascinating to consider what I have done–ah, I mean to say: it is fascinating to consider the myriad lifeforms on our world…one must not get carried away…! 😉
😃 And there it is: As God, the greatest creation is more Life! I agree with that. I encourage you to discover the formula in logically creating more life, given you are the only person and thing to exist.

Thanks again!
You may want to read what I wrote again. I say in no uncertain terms things that I would do. I would do many things that the God of the Bible should have done but didn’t do.

I’m not understanding what you mean by that question. What do you mean by greatest creation? I would think laying down a clear set of rules that would not allow the cruelty laid out by God in Judeo-Christianity would be one of the greatest creations possible. Also are you asking me to choose between family, friends, or strangers as to what my greatest creation would be?
Greatest creation means: as God, with what will you finally be content with creating. As his final creation, God created the communion of people, which is what seems to be your greatest creation. The rules you create for the people serve to build/maintain the communion of people, therefore, the communion of people is a greater creation than the rules.

Also, I am asking you to begin from scratch. As God, the creator of everything, you are the only person/thing to exist until you create something. What creation would satisfy your desire to create? As an example, if I were God, my greatest creation would be the communion of other beings equal in capability and morality with me, in other words eternally true friends. All other things I create such as heaven and earth, living things and non-living things, rules and laws would serve this goal.

Thank you for further consideration!
The Buffalonian in me would let the Bills or Sabres win the Super Bowl/Stanley Cup 🙂
As for humanity being the highest creation? It seems unlikely. Otherwise why might most on this world long for a better place? A place not run by humanity…? Surely I could do better…perhaps by using elves…?
Never mind the elves.

This world is NOT run by human life, but governed by the law of entropy.

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