I’m sorry that you see the Catholic Church in this way. Rather than viewing the Church as being a big, bad institution that makes up rules arbitrarily to ruin your life, I see the Church as “the pillar and foundation of truth,” (1st Tim. 3:15). The Catholic Church was founded by Christ Himself and was given authority to proclaim and protect the Gospel, being assured that “the gates of Hell will not prevail against it,” (Matthew 16:19). You describe the Church as being overly bossy or autocratic and just a bunch of rules, rules, rules and all of this is not what Jesus wants. However, don’t you think that Jesus desires us to know the truth? After all, He is the Truth. He founded the Church FOR US to guide us down the path of sanctity that we may know Him and make Him known.
It’s about being called an apostate when you dissent. It’s about not being allowed to oppose the Church on any subject. It’s being denied free will. It’s tradition for traditions sake.
Well, since Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, He desires for us to know Him and thus to be happy. “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32). Jesus wants us to be in perfect communion with Him and He has given us the means to do so through the One Church He has established. Why does the Catholic Church care if I oppose it on certain subjects? Why do they think they’re so important and are always right? Well, you see, we need an authority to lead us in this world. Jesus did not intend for it to be just the believer and the Bible for, as we read in 2nd Peter 3:16, “…In them there are some things hard to understand that the ignorant and unstable distort to their own destruction, just as they do the other scriptures.” Not wanting us to be left helpless without a guide, Jesus gave us One Church possessing His authority. Rather than making up traditions, the Church preserves the teachings and traditions given to it by Christ Himself. Ultimately, we must remember that the Church isn’t here to be bossy and make up rules arbitrarily. It is rather here to guide us into all truth, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.