If you won ALOT of money?

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Dear friends

If you won alot of money, serious amounts of money like the lottery, what would you do with it?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Become more involved in my Church in terms of organizing/funding events.

Build my fantasy amusement park and run it.

Get a nice house (not mansion but nice), find my future wife and raise a family.

Oh, and I’d like to go skydiving
Let’s see…

Buy the house I want (with all the goodies to go in it). Buy the cars I want. Buy the martial arts school I want. Buy the books I want. Get my master’s in Theology. Donate SERIOUSLY to The Church and Church organizations (Catholic Relief Services). There is so much more to go into, but those are the big things.
One of the first things I would do is to pray and ask God what He wants me to do with the money.

I can be impressed with riches and oppulent homes, but donot desire them. All I see is the headaches that come with many possessions.

I would proceed cautiously and will give to people in dire straights, especially where it concerns children and the elderly. They’re the most vulnerable in our society.

I would:

Anonymously set up interest-building funds for a number of charities-they would receive the interest for as long as the funds were in place. This way I could do more over a longer period of time rather than making a large, one-time gift. (Obviously one would need to start up the funds with large sums of money to make a decent amount of interest.)

Pay off all our debts, quit my job, and open a bakery.

Make sure my parents and in-laws were set for the rest of their lives.

Pay off my sister-in-law’s and my best friend’s student loans, and buy new cars for both of them.

Buy a new organ for our parish.

Build or buy a new practice space for my husband’s martial arts dojo.

Build a greenhouse in my backyard so I could grow fresh produce year-round.

Buy a bunch of fancy knitting needles and yarns (cashmere, perhaps?) and make sweaters for everyone.

This is fun! 😃
I would donate to the church or organizations, go to college, pay off our family debts, get me my own car, pay ofr my great-grandma’s medication, go on a vacation to hawaii, then give the rest of it away and go on a mission trip.
Tough question, depends on the definition of “alot”.

Whereever it is most needed. This would take some investigating if the day ever occured.

Beyond a certain degree of financial security I have never had much of a need of material things, vacations etc. Never cared much for travel either. T-shirt and jean person in the summer, flannel and jean person in the winter. However I do love the Ocean and spend many hours on it fishing and scuba diving. Sooooo, materially speaking, a low maintance, off-shore capable boat is all I desire (I have one now but it is NOT low maintenance and I stretch it taking it off-shore).
10% in cash in an unmarked envelope in the collection basket.
Timidity said:
10% in cash in an unmarked envelope in the collection basket.

Can you just imagine the reactions of the people counting the collections after Mass? I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that.
Can you just imagine the reactions of the people counting the collections after Mass? I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that.
Or the pastor’s when they tell him?
Timidity said:
10% in cash in an unmarked envelope in the collection basket.

You sure about an envelope? This is A LOT OF MONEY, I suggest a whole load of briefcases :cool:

Oh, I would buy Los Angeles Kings and Dodgers seasons tickets, and buy another pair for poor families so that can go to a few games
Oh, where do i begin…
  1. I would build a Catholic HIgh School here, because we have an elementary, but no high school.
  2. I would give ALOT to my parish. It is a little parish that has a collection of, oh ill say, $7,000 a week, and that is the collection from 3 churches, Combined! Not alot compared to other churches i’ve see.
3.I would buy a house, and build myself a chapel in the backyard, something I have always wanted to do.
  1. Buy my parents a house, cuz they have done alot for me.
  2. Give a little to my family, alot to my granparents.
  3. Go to the holy shrines around the world (Rome!)
  4. Save the rest ( If there was anymore left.)
You sure about an envelope? This is A LOT OF MONEY, I suggest a whole load of briefcases
Well, the idea was to be anonymous and inconspicious.

The other option would be to have it as a cashier’s check that somehow hid the source. I’m sure my attourney and accountant would figure out how to get it done.
  1. Pay all my bills.
  2. Set up a scholarship fund for girls. I would personally choose who gets the cash.
  3. Donate a ton of it to my parish, and EWTN.
  4. Fix up my place. Build a new horse barn.
  5. Go on vacation to Germany, Austria, Switzerland.
  6. Semi-retire.
-make sure my family is taken care of

-donate to charities

-fund a chapel or something like that to be built
20% to God
20% to me
20% to my dh
20% to each of our 2 sons

That’s 100%!

Linda 👍
Hmm, from my PoV, this falls into the same level of reality as going back in time to off a teenage Adolph Hitler.

In the immortal words of Quark, “Not in this space-time continuum!” 😛

LindaS said:
20% to God
20% to me
20% to my dh
20% to each of our 2 sons

That’s 100%!

Linda 👍

And you would spend 20% to sue your math teacher right jk 😃
And you would spend 20% to sue your math teacher right jk 😃
Why sue? There’s no money left after using 20% for each of God, self, dh, son 1, and son 2.
I want to give my 10% or more stright to the Pope, or at least to some official in Rome. As soon as we get the money from the lottery commission (or wherever it came from), hop on a plane to Rome, and hand God’s share over.

I’d probably also give some to my husband’s family’s parish, but not a full 10%. I’d want to give the bulk of it to the Vatican to spend, because they would know more than I do how best to use the funds to help the Church overall.

Past that, I want a 1930’s Packard, and DH wants a Jaguar E-type…
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