After talking to the dietitian, I realize that it really isn’t what we’re eating that’s going to get us. I already do a good job of avoiding processed food and too much junk food and sweets. It’s the ratios and portion sizes that we need to work on. The way I was raised, it wouldn’t have been a challenge to eat eleven servings of grain (if we’d had any idea of what a serving actually was) because our dinner plate was filled from brim to brim with spaghetti, with a piece of butter bread on top, and a salad bowl on the side. My mom wasn’t ignorant either. She always insisted on whole grain bread, fresh fruit, and veggies for each meal. But the veggies were more like a colorful garnish on the 8-12 ounce piece of porksteak and baked potato. While her meals were high in nutrients, they were also caloric overload. I’m having to make a new image in my mind of what an ideally balanced meal actually looks like! I don’t think I’m alone in this because I’m finding that the way food is packaged in the grocery store is not up to date with the myplate! In order to feed my family of four, I have to use a half a package of meat and three bags of frozen veggies. I’m hoping that the grocery store gets caught up soon because I’m tired of all these little bags of frozen things in my freezer!