Ignorance of Nutrition Is No Longer Defensible

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I am just saying that’s anyone, regardless of genetics, will be better of with a healthy lifestyle tending to diet and exercise…and of course, not smoking. Too many people die too early. Sure we are healthy and live longer than ever before. No it is not enough, when you lose someone who goes too young and possibly could have lived longer and healthier.
No it is not enough, when you lose someone who goes too young and possibly could have lived longer and healthier.
None of us can know the span of our lives. I agree that we should be good stewards of our bodies that the Lord has given us and not deliberately mistreat our bodies.

But there are simply too many people who do everything right, and still have heart attacks; e.g., Bob Harper the trainer on Biggest Loser, or who get cancer. These diseases are part of the curse of sin, and they attack even the innocent and the good stewards.

And we need to show mercy towards those who for whatever reason cannot practice the behaviors and disciplines that might (or maybe not) make their bodies healthier. Sometimes there is a mental or emotional flaw in a person’s design which makes it almost impossible for them to practice healthy habits.
Yes, I know. I don’t judge. But my heart aches for the patients and their families. I am one who tries do do it all right and still have problems. I can only quess that I would be dead if not for such efforts. But no one knows. All we can do is be the best stewards possible. The body is God’s temple.
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Saint Thomas Aquinas was a big man, big around. It is possible to be a great and holy person and be heavy.
Some people are naturally more slender than others. Some people have physical problems that make exercise extremely difficult. Some women have difficulty pregnancies that require bed rest and have a hard time losing their baby weight.
I know 90 year olds who are way overweight. My kid’s orthodontist died riding a long distance bike race, one of many he had done.
We are all different and should not expect everyone to have their body type.
Edited because my phone is not cooperating.
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I try not to expect anything from anyone and accept them as they are without judgement. I am, though, a strong advocate for Lifestyle Medicine.
And hospital food is a scandal.
I agree with this but unfortunately “rubbish food” is cheaper then nutritious foods so is it a case of cost savings by governments to have cr@ppy food in public hospitals or is it a mentality/ignorance thing?
I personally think it’s a combination of both as many of the hospital workers themselves don’t seem to understand how counterproductive the hospital food is is to health-particularly in patients who are overweight,old age or diabetic.

In general though,I think raising awareness about nutrition should be balanced with not being judgmental or “evangelical” because some people can get a mentality creep into them where they view themselves as more superior or better looking etc than a “larger person”.
It’s not just a simple “energy in energy out” for many people and there are factors such as depression,chronic stress,pcos,thyroid dysfunction,mitochondrial dysfunction,exercise intolerance,low basal metabolic rate,no motivation due to illness,genetic factors etc that can stop people from losing weight or changing old patterns and these things need to be addressed instead of just looking at the person/s as being lazy etc.
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In my twenties I ate what I wanted and just excercised a lot. I think now that strategy will have to change as I notice I’m retaining weight a little more in my thirties. lol
To the running track with me.

IMO a lot more funding should be put into preventative medicine instead of waiting until people have multiple illnesses.
It would save money in the long run but for some reason governments don’t see it that way or are stuck in old mentalities…
Part of the paradox, how does the medical industry survive if people are healthy. Hospitals these days are required to do more in the community for free to keep people healthy. BVut they get paid when people are sick.
“Funding” is a can of worms. There are people who think the Government shouldn’t be funding anything but military.
Yet, when one is diagnosed with diabetes they are handed a diet pamphlet instructing them to keep fruit and grains (even white rice!) in their diet.
I was a gestational diabetic my first pregnancy and I saw a dietitian at my OB’s practice.

She handed me an information packet that was exactly what you describe.

The recommended breakfast on the information packet was something like this: breakfast burrito with tortilla, scrambled eggs and potato. 2/3 of the ingredients there would have been a disaster for me as a gestational diabetic, especially for breakfast. As I discovered from my blood testing, a white flour tortilla (eaten in a burrito) or even a small bowl of oatmeal would spike my blood sugars. It didn’t take a lot of experiments to figure this out. I generally had more leeway later in the day, but in the morning, it was essential to eat primarily protein/fat. My husband usually cooked me an egg or a sausage in the morning and I made a microscopic dish of oatmeal.
I don’t know about you, but my last lesson in nutrition was in middle school health class, back when the recommendation was 6 to 8 servings of grain per day.
Oh, yeah. Remember the food pyramid?

It’s worse than Allegra remembers–the one in that graphic recommends 6-11 bread, cereal, rice and pasta servings a day.

I actually really like the newer My Plate graphic because it’s easier to visualize a plate. Our big kids really took to it.
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I like the plate too. It’s really easy to understand and actually shows what a serving is. Someone at our school got the idea to actually design our lunch trays to resemble the plate, but no one could figure out which compartment to put spaghetti in.
I’ve never had gestational diabetes, but having been recently pregnant, just trying to imagine eating a breakfast burrito first thing in the morning makes me want to barf. I was lucky to be able to keep down a Carnation shake, sipping carefully all the way to work!
I used to own two plastic kid plates that had the “My Plate” image printed on them. I think HEB (our TX grocery chain) used to make them.
After talking to the dietitian, I realize that it really isn’t what we’re eating that’s going to get us. I already do a good job of avoiding processed food and too much junk food and sweets. It’s the ratios and portion sizes that we need to work on. The way I was raised, it wouldn’t have been a challenge to eat eleven servings of grain (if we’d had any idea of what a serving actually was) because our dinner plate was filled from brim to brim with spaghetti, with a piece of butter bread on top, and a salad bowl on the side. My mom wasn’t ignorant either. She always insisted on whole grain bread, fresh fruit, and veggies for each meal. But the veggies were more like a colorful garnish on the 8-12 ounce piece of porksteak and baked potato. While her meals were high in nutrients, they were also caloric overload. I’m having to make a new image in my mind of what an ideally balanced meal actually looks like! I don’t think I’m alone in this because I’m finding that the way food is packaged in the grocery store is not up to date with the myplate! In order to feed my family of four, I have to use a half a package of meat and three bags of frozen veggies. I’m hoping that the grocery store gets caught up soon because I’m tired of all these little bags of frozen things in my freezer!
Has anyone looked at a hospital room service menu lately? Talk about bad food.

During my husband’s many weeks of hospitilizations, I have basically given up on eating in the dining room because the food is so salty it burns my tongue, the pre-fab stuff is simply nasty.,
Actually, the menu at Mercy was really good when I had my babies. They had so many salads and fresh vegetables to choose from. You had to really work to eat garbage in that hospital. Now, the children’s hospital, on the other hand, had not a lot more than pizza, chicken fingers, and sketty. And you could ask for the noodles with just butter. Gross. Think of the children, people! The nurse said that they had to have crappy food like that in order to convince the sick kids to eat at all, but couldn’t they have a nice menu for most of the kids and pull out the ramen noodles for the picky ones on the verge of starvation?
While there are offerings for the patients, the cafeteria food for the family is just plain icky.
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