Puh-leeez!! I’m sure petty thieves would perefer “uncompensated shopping” for their activity. Besides, illegals very often illegals are documented, with fake papers.Well, I married an illegal immigrant, so I admit I’m biased.
He’s legal now.
I dislike the term “illegal”, and prefer undocumented foreigner.
Someone made a movie called The Day the Mexicans Disappeared, something like that. It shows what would happen to the economy if all the undocumented workers didn’t show up one day. Any of you want to pick tomatoes for a living? I did it for one day, and couldn’t look a tomato in the eye for months afterwards.
We use these people to harvest our crops, then pick on them for not having papers. True, some are criminals, but most are honest and hard working.
I saw that movie and I was prepared to loke it but it showed what would happen if all Hispanics disappeared from California, even those who had been born US citizens.We should encourage other countries to provide better conditions for their citizens so they don’t all want to come here.
What we need is a legal guest-worker program and a rational program for legal immigration like Canada’s where there is a point system. Right now the best way to get into the US legally is to have a relative who is already here.