This is all any of us can do, but He also expects us to exercise judgment for ourselves.I’ll leave judgment to God.
They can, but this is the best part of wrestling with moral dilemmas. They force you to apply moral standards in different situations. That is why they help us to develop a well formed conscience!Hypothetical situations although interesting drive me nuts.
With all due respect, you are the one who created the comparison. All sin separates us from God.I seriously don’t think you can compare a homicidal maniac to a fornicator.
It is possible, but one must never commit a grave evil, even for a good “reason”. Motives may be good, but the end does not justify the means.They each have different reasons for acting in a manner. There are different degrees of culpability.
In both cases, what matters is if they repent of their sins. If a person sins, and persists in sin, and defies God’s commandment, they commit the unforgiveable sin (rejecting the grace ofI’m thinking if someone who had sex outside marriage once being condemned to hell or someone who had sex with their fiance before they were wed.
Yes, this is always the safest approach. But, if we don’t agree, we should also pray that God will reveal to us His Truth, so that we are eventually able to obey BECAUSE we agree, as opposed to in spite of our disagreement.Perhaps it doesn’t matter if we agree honestly so long as we try to obey.
When we see things from His point of view, our hearts want to follow His commandments. We obey Him out of love, and the commandments are not burdensome.