"I'm engaged, but now feel called to the priesthood!"


Well-known member
This question has come up in other circles: What to do when a desire for the priesthood arises after engagement?

One should visit a Seminary. Discuss such attractions with a vocation director.

There's also the "Ecclesia Domestica" one is about to enter. What do priests do? They work with the local bishop with regards to the spiritual and corporal acts of mercy, primarily education.

What does a dad do? He works to support the family, and gives an edifying example of a practicing Catholic. He makes sure his children understand what their faith is about.

There's also the permanent diaconate, but that's not always suggested for men with small children. One of our deacons at church has small children. The offspring of the other two are grown.

Something to ponder, and pray about.

Something such as this would take much discernment, but as a general rule --- my opinion only --- I'd say that by the time you've gotten to the point of an engagement, it's pretty clear the seminary isn't your calling.

But do speak with a sympathetic priest, and tell him precisely what is described here. I think he'd tell you the same thing, but you never know.

And where was this vocation all of that time before you got to the point of being engaged? I think he'd ask that question too.

(I don't mean "you", Cloisters, I'm using "you" in the sense of "one".)
What comes to mind is that someone is experiencing cold feet, or feeling pressured. What about the other engaged party? "IF" this should occur, time for a time out. True love waits. If a time out kills the relationship, was it a relationship worth investing in? Worth preserving? I know one priest and one Dominican seminarian who dated and had girlfriends, but the call was too strong.
Discernment can take years and is often excruciating and agonizing - the birth pangs of a vocation. Yet again, not all finish seminary, as they feel called the opposite direction. Some high profile priests have asked to be laicized for the sake of marriage.
This life is filled with confusion and uncertainty. Only the next life has assurances.
I think if you're thinking this in the run up to the wedding it could be a sign of cold feet. Or it could just be a thought about a possibility you're giving up.
Every time we make a choice in life, we rule out many other choices. Part of the joy of being young (and single) is having all these choices still ahead. You're setting the course and you don't know exactly where it will go.

Ideally you should be excited to get married and at peace with that decision. Maybe this is just a bit of a temporary panic and you'll get over it.
But perhaps you should think a bit about what your heart wants here.