I'm going to meet someone famous next week!

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And you did not tell, leonie!šŸ˜‰

What a blessing!!! Tell us all about it when you canā€¦soon!
Rosalind Moss spoke at our Indianapolis Catholic Womenā€™s Conference. I was standing around chatting with several of my homeschool friends when one of them said, ā€œThereā€™s Rosalind Moss talking with Mike. I wish I could hug her.ā€ Mike was running a vendor table about the Apostolate for Family Consecration.

I said, ā€œWell, heā€™s got his daugher with him. Todayā€™s her birthday. Letā€™s go and tell her happy birthday. And, then you can hug her.ā€

So, we went up, but my friend was too shy. But, I did want to tell Miss Moss a little story. So, I told her that after communion, I interiorly asked Jesus want he wanted to say to me. I thought heā€™d say, ā€œGive this up. Or do this thingā€ But, I heard in my heart ā€œI love you.ā€ Then I said, ā€œWhat did you say, Jesus.ā€ And, I ā€œheardā€ again, ā€œI love you.ā€

Rosalindā€™s talk was right after lunch and it was about being a beloved Child of God. It was my confirmation. So, I told her that.

So, then I hugged her. šŸ™‚
I hugged Mother Angelica when I was a junior in high school :heaven: I love her!

Good luck and have fun!
I held Jesus in my hand this morning and then followed his admonition to eat his body. Does that count?
Iā€™ve met a lot of writers: R.L. Stine, David Baldacci, Sue Grafton, Chuck Barris among others. The only writer I didnā€™t like was Robert Waller author of The Bridges of Madison County (and I didnā€™t like the book either).
The Count of Monte Cristo is why I still havenā€™t seen the Passion. Jim Caviezel is one of the prettiest men out there, and I canā€™t look at Jesus like that.
He doesnā€™t look pretty in Passion :nope: - besides which, who says Jesus wasnā€™t good-looking? Iā€™ve always thought he probably was.
I had to go back and read the rest of this. Somehow, I got it in my head that I read Fr. Corapi starred in the Count of Monte Cristo!:confused: :eek:
And the person isā€¦
Patricia Heaton! (from Everyone loves raymond)
What a great time! We met with her for almost 2 hours. She is absolutely beautiful and so pro-life!

Agh!!! I am still star struck!
Cool! I had a completely different guess but thanks so much for telling us! Was she nice in person? Tell us all about it (well, what you can share at least!)
That must have been so neat! I think she is very talented. I remember being most impressed, though, that she took part in one of the adds for the voters in Missouri against Amendment 2 that allows therapeudic cloning. You guys probably remember that Jim Caviezel also appeared & quoted ā€œYou betray me with a kissā€ in Aramaic from The Passion. I thought that was just the most courageous thing, especially considering the liberal world they have to function in.
And the person isā€¦
Patricia Heaton! (from Everyone loves raymond)
What a great time! We met with her for almost 2 hours. She is absolutely beautiful and so pro-life!

Agh!!! I am still star struck!
I suspected!!! COOL!!! I really like her. šŸ™‚
I knew the day had to be great because my ā€œemployerā€ and I went to St. Patrickā€™s Cathedral to pray before the Blessed Sacrament before our breakfast.

It was amazing! Did you know her sister is a Nun?

We talked for almost 2 hours. While I canā€™t discuss the topic I will tell you that she is so articulate, funny and gracious. She is a great role model for pro-life women!

I feel very humbled that she took the time to meet with us, especially me, a stay at home mom! šŸ™‚ I left my drool stained shirts and jeans at home!
How wonderful!!! I especially like the part about spending time at Eucharistic adoration before the meeting! I am very blessed in that my boss would agree to that tooā€¦ Not many of us can say that!
Congrats I hear she is a great person. My friend had applied/interviewed to work at her production companyā€¦I guess she is wanting to get into films againā€¦
I am so excited but feel guilty that I am so ā€œimpressedā€ that I am going to meet a very famous woman. She is very pro-life and I am meeting her with my boss next week.

I feel so silly because I feel like a kid about meeting her.
My husband has been laughing at me because I have been exchanging e-mails with her personally this week. I know we arenā€™t supposed to get excited about ā€œearthlyā€ attachments, fame, etc. but I feel like a gawky pre-teen. I want to tell my friends but I donā€™t want to come accross like I am bragging. I guess that is why I am telling my CAF friends, hopefully you will understand.

Suddenly I feel the need to pray about this because I should be more grounded about this.

Have you ever met or met with someone who you just really looked up to and was considered ā€œfamousā€ whether by societal standards, church standards, etc?
PS-I will tell you all who it is when I get back from my meeting.
Heh. This is actually a big problem for me. I try to tell myself I donā€™t derive any real self-satisfaction through merely being in the orbit of semi- to well-known people, but I often wonder if Iā€™m kidding myself. So, to avoid the implications of the question, I tell myself that I name-drop all the time ā€œjust to prove to my parents that Iā€™m actually doing something with my life.ā€ Lol.

That said, last night I attended a dinner with a number of big-shot conservative journalists. Bob Novak was there, as was Arnaud de Borchgrave. I saw Sam Donaldson in the crowd (though I know heā€™s not a conservative journalistā€“I once saw him take the ā€œconā€ position in a debate at CPAC about whether the media was biased.) Surprisingly, Pat Sajak was there, too.

A few weeks ago the non-profit I work for held a big anniversary gala. One of my duties was to escort Rush Limbaugh from the entrance of the hotel to his seat at the dinner. Nice guy, but heā€™s very shy and quiet, if you can believe that.

There have been a number of others (I once even gave Al Gore a fake-out handshake, but it was completely by accidentā€“I swear!). One incident helps me to keep things in perspective, though. Forgive the image, if you will, but I once had a brief conversation with former Reagan Attorney General Ed Meeseā€“while we were standing at our respective urinals. Iā€™m a big fan of the ā€œno talking in the menā€™s room rule,ā€ but hey, Ed Meeseā€¦

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