I'm Gonna Refrain Like It's 2021 :musical_note:

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beryllos
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Really? Perhaps you might want to take a peek. (I often laugh at parts now as I find them silly, corny, funny … especially the dance sequence of the “girls” and the “boys”. Also is funny the story each tells of their meeting - polar opposites 😂 😂 see youtube summer nights)
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I know some of the songs well, from the radio. Summer Nights is a good one.

I’ll see if I can get the movie from the public library.
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Which Greece are we talking about now?

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
In another thread today I saw a reply entirely in Greek. I’ve got no idea why. Also no idea what it said. I think this calls for a Greek beer. 🍺 🙂
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when Crisco changed to paper canisters, it caused who knows how many fires.

Folks had been pouring hot bacon fat into the used crisco can on the back of the stove forever, and . . .
I remember my mother pouring the fat (after frying - everything was fried in half inch or so of fat) off the pan into a large tin, which was kept (for some time) in the cupboard under the stove - without a lid! (never did us any harm, considering the cockies that crawled over it 🤢 … … until such time that a plate was placed on top). 😬
We had an old marmalade crock in the fridge that was the receptacle for bacon fat. My father would make fried eggs in some of it (on Sunday morning after mass) when we weren’t having any bacon. 😋
I remember those fried eggs with little brown specks from the bacon grease.
No problem! You could always run out to Wendy’s. They have a lot of bacon options on the menu.
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Hmm…sodium nitrates,fat… :grinning:if it were wood smoked only and had no fat I might eat it more often ?
But I’m sure ,like the ham over there,bacon has been crafted down to a fine art.