So, I recently talked to one of my parents about this struggle which may be caused by scrupulousity. it was partly caused by my concern that I couldn’t follow the Ten Commandments unless I am directly told by a priest/confessor/etc- someone who knows enough to “diagnose” me as a scrupulous person. This is what I assume…so because I dont have a priest that can tell me this directly or in person yet (yes i am planning on getting a confessor or director) as a “normal” Catholic right now, i cannot act with a doubtful conscience or against it. So, because i have a doubtful conscience which is not assured by the research and advice Ive gotten, I cannot do much throughout my day because I doubt the acts I do. SO, my mother had told me to follow the commandments (for the scrupulous), until we could find a director. But, as much as I want to obey…i cannot act with a doubtful conscience! should I still obey my parent and assume that I am scrupulous (priests have suggested it or that I am acting like it, and I think for sure I am, and my mother told me directly that I am) OR not act on a doubtful conscience which in the mean time, will make my life much more difficult and cause me to disobey on other areas because I cant act on doubt.