I'm new in here and trying to figure out to go Catholic or Episcopalian

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If you are in acity of any size ( say 100,000 or more) ytou will not have any Catholics snooping around and digging up your sins.

Gays are welcome, but the Gay life-style is not welcome - talk to a priest…it will not shock them, they have heard it all. Get it all straightened out, be honest.

The Catholic Church was started by Jesus Christ, see Matthew 16: 18. It says Jesus built His Church on Peter. That is our Church. The Anglian church was started by a King of England 1500 years later than our Catholic Church. To choose is a “no-brainer”. :tiphat:
Gays are welcome, but the Gay life-style is not welcome - talk to a priest…it will not shock them, they have heard it all.
also some priests are “gay”. i use to look at women as objects and treated them as such. i was totally dead in mortal sin. but, by the grace of God through the rosary, eucharist, and frequent confession, i’m not a slave to this sin. after hearing some of the “theology of the body” i feel even worse about how i treated women.

the bottom line is everyone is made in the image of God and has dignity. if you really love your neighbor as yourself, you do not treat them as objects. fornication is analogous to rejecting your God given birthright. this will take you striaght to hell because you reject God’s grace. sin is serious and sexual sins are thought to send more people to hell then any other.
My suggestion to you is to read your Bible. When you have read it through at least one time, you should be able to discern where you should attend a worship service. Ask the Lord first and foremost what He would have you do before you even tackle the first one I mentioned. His Word will speak volumes; but ask in faith and He will show you. Amen.
also some priests are “gay”.
You see it was not alway so. That only came about through the teachings of the RCC.

The year is when it became mandatory.

1079 Celibacy for Priests (Pope Hildebrand Boniface III)

Now we have a major problem.
1079 Celibacy for Priests (Pope Hildebrand Boniface III)

Now we have a major problem.
Who’s we ?
This all being said, I wonder how I will be welcomed in the Catholic church as a gay man. Would I be opening myself up to discrimination? I truly prefer a “high-church” ritual and have also been sort of turned off by the guitar-playing, t-shirt/short wearing atmosphere of some catholic churches I have been to. Any ideas? Some of my Catholic friends, snidely dismiss the Episcopal Church as the “church born between the legs of Ann Boleyn”…something that is not partiucularly historically accurate. Again, I am looking for direction. Thanks.
There may be some people that may discriminate against you, but that is not the Church as you have discovered. Just being gay is not a sin. It is when you act on it that makes it a sin.

I am also turned off by the guitar playing and the irreverence at some masses. I like the latin mass alot because it is very reverent and does not have these abuses. The people there are always there to worship God and are very reverent. There are also alot of masses in English that do not have the abuses.

You have discovered that the Catholic church is the truth, I think you should take the step and go to an RCIA.
Thanks for your candor. I wonder if I were a straight man practicing birth control with my wife (and talking about at church) if that would open me to discriminiation as well. Or if I were a Catholic and anti-abortion, yet pro-choice, would this belief of mine lead to discriminiation among parishioners? Or is it simply something between myself and God?
Birth control and abortion are looked at as evil also. Descrimination is bad no matter what. The Church opposes sin no matter what the sin is, that includes birth control and abortion and lust. It is bad for an un married straight person to act on desires.
Forgive my naivety, but it would seem that one’s sins would be solely a concern of themselves and God. Other people would have their own sins to worry about I would think. What I am beginning to glean here is that some Catholics “ride herd” on their brother’s sins… Am I off-track here or not?
It is none of anyones bussiness whether you sin or not. But you should not sin at all and when you do you should confess to a preist. No one should descriminate against you or anyone else for sinning.
Thank you all for your time and thoughts about my quest. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
We are always glad to help. Merry Christmas to you too.
Thanks for your candor. I wonder if I were a straight man practicing birth control with my wife (and talking about at church) if that would open me to discriminiation as well. Or if I were a Catholic and anti-abortion, yet pro-choice, would this belief of mine lead to discriminiation among parishioners? Or is it simply something between myself and God?
Nothing is between yourself and God. In the Church, I am my brother’s sin; I am my brother’s redemption.

All the things you mention are sinful. Your paradigm seems to be fear of being judged, yet you ask questions that show you to be drawn to the fulness of truth.

The Catholic Church will not mollycoddle you in your sin and tell you it’s OK to do things that are NOT OK. She will encourage you, teach you, strengthen you in overcoming sin and in managing sinful tendencies. The Church will love you but she will not lie to you.

A Unitarian said to me a couple of weeks ago: “Everything is so hard in the Catholic Church.” I responded: "YES! Yes it is! We wouldn’t have it any other way! Jesus told us to take up our cross, not our oyster fork! We’re the Marines of Christendom, not the weenies!
It is none of anyones bussiness whether you sin or not. But you should not sin at all and when you do you should confess to a preist. No one should descriminate against you or anyone else for sinning.
Indeed. But a stumble is a different thing from living in public scandal.
Forgive my naivety, but it would seem that one’s sins would be solely a concern of themselves and God. Other people would have their own sins to worry about I would think. What I am beginning to glean here is that some Catholics “ride herd” on their brother’s sins… Am I off-track here or not?

This one thing I assure you, the Catholic Church is a hospital for sinners. It is not a place for perfect people, but a place where saints are made. Go to an Adoration Chapel in the Catholic Church and ask the Lord to guide you. He is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. He will not disappoint you. Come home.

God bless you in your journey,

Bob Baran:
Find a Catholic Church where they have an Adoration Chapel and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Guaranteed to work!
Hi Bob,
love the answer.
Christ be with youhttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
walk in love
Hey, Swoffles! You can have the best of both! Find a Congregation of Anglican Use (this is a pastoral provision authorized by the Holy See) – they use a “Catholicked” edition of the Book of Common Prayer and have all the ‘gentilesse’ of Anglican worship along with the rigor of orthodoxy.

Check it out: bookofdivineworship.com/links.html
First of all, do you practice being gay? If you do not succumb to your temptations, then no one shall say a thing. (I don’t think, I know I won’t)

But, if you practice it, there may be problems. Talk to a priest about it, or as one of the Apologists here.
Hi Pro-Life_Teen,
I hope you dont mind my addressing Swoffles through your post as I want to talk about your words.
Firstly, peoples reactions often dont have anything to do with the Truth, but their personal grip on it. On this we will all be judged, because our beliefs manifests as works.
Now I disagree completely with the Truth of the above statement, but the reality of it is probably spot on. There is no possible way you can control your sin by your strength. But you need to hate it, to hate being a victim of the flesh. and to cry out to God in Jesus’s Holy Name. If you wallow in it and enjoy it you are guilty.
You need to ask yourself some tough questions. Are you attracted to the Roman Catholic church because of the trappings?
Are you looking for the recognition of men?
In Christ there is an abundance, but that does not mean you will only find Him in glamourous places.
May Christ grow in your heat.
Walk in lovehttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Trust in Christ to save you
I wonder how I will be welcomed in the Catholic church as a gay man.
You might want to contact the COURAGE APOSTOLATE, which supports and encourages people who have same sex attraction in their quest for chastity.

This all being said, I wonder how I will be welcomed in the Catholic church as a gay man. Would I be opening myself up to discrimination? I truly prefer a “high-church” ritual and have also been sort of turned off by the guitar-playing, t-shirt/short wearing atmosphere of some catholic churches I have been to. Any ideas? Some of my Catholic friends, snidely dismiss the Episcopal Church as the “church born between the legs of Ann Boleyn”…something that is not partiucularly historically accurate. Again, I am looking for direction. Thanks.
The Episcopal Church/USA would welcome you as a practicing homosexual and in most jurisdictions you would be able to find a form of liturgy to accomodate your tastes.

The ‘continuing Anglicans’ and traditionalists such as myself would generally say that you are not ‘a homosexual’–you have engaged in sinful homosexual activity, for which you must repent in order not only to formally join a traditionalist group but for your own soul’s sake. Most traditionalists whom I know deny that there is any such thing as a ‘homosexual identity’. Homosexuality, in my own view and the view of many likely me, is always a wicked, willful and sinful crime against nature which invariably marks it’s practitioners as not of the Elect, unless they ultimately and decisively repent and eschew any such activity. Which makes homosexuality, as a sin, neither better than nor worse than adultery, fornication, murder, violence, hatred, pride, etcetera.

To the best of my knowledge, the RCC considers homosexuality to be ‘objectively disordered’ and sinful. Great emphasis is placed on the need for homosexuals to repent and seek help to alter their ‘orientation’ and to live either celibately or in a newly-discovered heterosexual ‘identity’. You could not be baptised a Roman Catholic (assuming that the RCC priest who receives you is conforming to RCC rules) if you remain actively engaged in a homosexual lifestyle.

I may have some issues not spelled out clearly–and where there are two Episcopalians you will invariably have at least three opinions, so I look for some howls from that quarter–but no one else seemed wont to directly address the issue that looked to me to be the most relevant to your situation.
The Catholic Church will not mollycoddle you in your sin and tell you it’s OK to do things that are NOT OK. She will encourage you, teach you, strengthen you in overcoming sin and in managing sinful tendencies. The Church will love you but she will not lie to you.
Exactly. I have seen no discrimination in my parish. The Catholics I know never talk about these matters, but my non-religious friends and family do all the time. It seems normal to assume that people who go to church discriminate, and that we’re all hypocrites, even in the absence of any evidence. My pastors never even talk about sin, which is a problem IMO.

But the Church is not going to change its teachings to suit you. Apparently some think that saying something is a sin *is *discrimination, but that is gross distortion of the term.
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