I'm new...please pray for me.

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Hello everyone. Thank you for accepting me. I am new here. I came to this site to make some Catholic friends and to request a prayer. I would like to ask those that read this post to please pray for me. I have recently come back to the Catholic church after a long absence. I would like support from all Catholics with their prayers…so that I continue living a Catholic life. I would like to ask for an extra prayer. My long-time boyfriend and I are on a break because his parents disapprove about us getting married. I would like to ask everyone to pray that he overcomes his worries and insecurities and choose to stay with me because we love each other dearly. Please pray for me. I will pray for all of you and try to be a good friend. I have been living a very poor and lonely life, but wish to change. Please help me. God bless you all. 🙂
Prayed for you.

Anyhow, welcome to the forums!

There is a stickied thread called ‘prayer requests’ in this section up the top, a good place to post requests for prayer in future.


Thank you very much for the prayer and advice. Bless you. I lived in Sydney for 3 years. It was beautiful there… Lots of trees… I miss trees… and the ocean. Bless you. May the Lord help you with your troubles. And bring you joy. 🙂
Oh! Thank you sooooo much. Bless you. I really appreciate it. I think the Lord is bringing me joy through you. Thank you. I hope the Lord helps you as you have the love to help others.
May the Lord bless you with grace to do and to understand His will for your life. Amen.

Thank you Jen. I hope the Lord does listen to your prayers. I pray that He helps you in time of need, whether it be how you ask, or how He sees fit. Bless you… take care.
Dear friend

You and your family and friends remain in my prayers.

May God Bless you greatly, His Will be done in your life and may the Peace of Christ Jesus reside always in your heart and the hearts of those you love. Amen.

Ask for much from God as He is generous beyond our imaginings.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love.

Hello everyone. I would like to ask everyone to pray that he overcomes his worries and insecurities and choose to stay with me because we love each other dearly. Please pray for me.
I’m sorry Cris, I can’t pray that with you because I don’t know if he is the person the Lord has for you and you are asking me to pray that he disobeys his parents (Commandment #4).

I will pray that the Lord prepares you and your future husband to be a couple that will be Christ centered and be an example for others to emulate.

I would also ask you to pray the same without praying for your boyfriend directly. As strange as this sounds, he may not be the man Jesus has in store for you. So just pray for your future husband and children and ask the Lord to prepare them.

(You should also pray for your boyfriend and his parents no matter what happends)

Please pray for God’s will in your life. No matter what that brings, it is surely better than anything we could envision.

I will pray for peace for you and for you to live God’s will.
I’m sorry Cris, I can’t pray that with you because I don’t know if he is the person the Lord has for you and you are asking me to pray that he disobeys his parents (Commandment #4).
No, persons of adult age do not have to blindly obey their parents. They are old enough to discern for themselves what is best.

Dear Cris, I can’t say if marriage to your young man is what you two ought to do–you two have to decide that. If he is underage then he does have to listen to his parents. They cannot tell him not to marry you if he is of age, especially for no good reason (like your being a divorcée or an ax murderer 😛 ).

I will certainly remember you in my prayers today that God will direct your steps and those of your young man as he would desire. And I wish you and he all the happiness in the world!
Hi Cris;
When I pray I try always to keep in mind Jesus’ words: 'not my will but Thy Will be done. My prayer for you is that you will be able to discern God’s will for you and yours.
Dear Springbreeze,
Thank you for the support and love. I hope everything turns out for the best. I appreciate that you pray for me with an open heart. Sometimes prayers can seem or are selfish. But only the Lord will decide if it is. Thank you. I hope that in life you do not come upon prejudice and judgment and unfair judgment that will bring your spirits down. It is a hopeful prayer I will pray for you.. God bless you.
Dear Dhgray,
    I understand where you are coming from. You are wise.  Yes, it is what the Lord's will commands.  But you should also know that Jesus said, " haven't you read the scripture that says that in the beginning the Creator made people male and female?  And God said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one.  So they are no longer two, but one.  Man must not separate then, what God has joined together."  (Matthew 19: 4-6)

    I cannot do anything that is not in God's will.  But I could pray that it is in God's will that he join us in matrimony.  I will keep prayinig and hoping...until the Lord shows me otherwise.  I have faith in Him.  

    I wish you the best.  You seem like a very humble person. It gives me the motivation to be humble unto others and the Lord.  Thank you for your prayers.
Dear Jrabs,
Thank you greatly. I think the Lord has answered your prayers. I have been nervous and having trouble with sleep. But last night I was able to sleep without clutching to the rosary and I did not wake up in a panic. Bless you....for your wise and helpful prayer, along with those of others have helped me greatly. I will keep my faith. I hope to touch others lives, just like you have touched mine. Bless you and thank you, brother....(or sister).
Dear Della,
     Oh!  Thank you!  Bless you, bless you, bless you.  My boyfriend is not underage.  He is going to be 29 years old in December.  It might be a cultural thing.  His parents have their personal reasons why he should not marry me.  I am not divorced.  I have never been in jail.  I do not have a serious medical condition.  I am not uneducated.  I am very poor.  And I do have issues I must deal with.  But I am a very loving human being.  I make many mistakes.  I care deeply for others....sometimes more than the average person does.  I love greatly I guess.  But of course I do have my faults.  I am human.

      Thank you for your prayers.  I pray for the family of my boyfriend.  Maybe I haven't prayed often enough because I didn;t go to church.  But I will try to pray more.  Even if things don't work out.  I will still pray for him and for his family.  I love him.  I love them.  I even want to give one of my kidneys to his father.  Anonymously because he would not accept it if he knew it came from me.  His father is ill.  And some people might think I am a fool to want to give my kidney to a man that does not like me.  Or someone who I might not see for the rest of my life.  But I love him.  And the more they cause me pain.  The more love I feel for them because they do not see people the way I see people.  Through loving eyes, filled with patience and hope.  I truly care for his family.  Only God knows how much.  I feel bad that all these years they were distressed because they didn't want their son to date me.  But they never gave me a chance to talk to them.  They never sat down and asked me about my family or what my future plans were.  So I still don't know what exactly they don't like about me.
Bless you. I hope the Lord helps you in your time of need. You have warmed my heart.
Dear Jim,
    It is a very wise prayer.  I also wonder if I am able to do as God will commands.  It might the very hard to let someone go.  Just as it is hard to stay with someone.  The hardest thing about a relationship is not the letting go part...it is the 'maintenance".  I always forget that.  This time the Lord has taught me a good lesson.  I will not take for granted.

     I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Your words are true.  I still hope that the Lord answer my prayers....and yours and hopefully they will coincide.  I would be one of the happiest brides in history (in my opinion).  I am happy to be with God.  My new devotion to him is slowly growing and making me strong.  Thank you Jim.
Dear Cris

Either you are a very perceptive person, you’ve read all of my posts here or you know me!

I’d go for, you are a very perceptive person. Your replies to posters are very well analysed and discerned. So I would say that you are very capable of discerning situations in your own life, although it is a little more difficult to discern when emotions are involved.

You may like to ask God for discernment and emotional intelligence and when you are resolved in your heart, follow that. You are an highly intelligent woman and it would be a shame not to use your intelligence in your life, by that I mean find a subject to study you are interested in and by God’s grace achieve an education. I notice you state you are very poor, so you may like to consider finding sponsorship and remember God provides and the poor are extremely close to His heart.

I will always keep you in my prayers.

God Bless you greatly and much love and peace to you and those you love.

Dearest Teresa,
         Your name is the same as my best friend.  She has been my friend for 20 years now.  So I would like to think of you as a friend as well, if you allow me.  

          I am currently in university alghough I am 28 years old.  I need a year or a year and a half to finish.  I have difficulty with the language I am learning. But I am confident I can do well in school.  God willing, of course.

          You are ABSOLUTELY correct about asking God for discernment and emotional intelligence.  I am praying for it.  It does scare me though.  But I cannot do anything or receive anything if it is not the will of God.  I just hope A LOT that He will provide me with what I need and hopefully also...with what I am asking.   

          I am but a humble servant of the Lord.  I should be pleased with what He provides for me. 

           Bless you....and I will pray for you and your loved ones as well.  :)
Dearest Teresa,

Your name is the same as my best friend. She has been my friend for 20 years now. So I would like to think of you as a friend as well, if you allow me.

Of course, that would be my honour.

I am currently in university alghough I am 28 years old. I need a year or a year and a half to finish. I have difficulty with the language I am learning. But I am confident I can do well in school. God willing, of course.

I am sorry if I missed reading this in any of your previous posts. I hope you didn’t mind me mentioning study to you, but it is just so obvious you are highly intelligent and perceptive. I am very pleased for you to find that you are studying and I will keep your studies in my prayers also.

You are ABSOLUTELY correct about asking God for discernment and emotional intelligence. I am praying for it. It does scare me though. But I cannot do anything or receive anything if it is not the will of God. I just hope A LOT that He will provide me with what I need and hopefully also…with what I am asking.

I will keep your intentions in my prayers.

I am but a humble servant of the Lord. I should be pleased with what He provides for me.

Your humility and obedience is very apparent to me and the way you express yourself is very self-effacing and gentle. God has granted you many gifts and I thank God for you. Such a beautiful spirit as yourself is very rare, I would not be surprised if Jesus would desire for you to follow Him very closely.

Thank you for your prayers, I am grateful for them. If I may ask at this time please pray for the Peace of Christ Jesus in my family. Thank you.
God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love
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