I'm so sad

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I would point your son to John 6, the whole chapter. Then go to 1 Corthinans 11 27 (or thereabouts) and ask him about the Eucharist, whether he believes that IT IS CHRIST. After straying from the Catholic Church for only THREE weeks, I learned my lesson in a hurry.

go with God!
Well we have discussed about every subject there is. Regarding the Euchrist…he says its just a rememberance, because that what is says in the bible. Regarding the apostles…he says just because we can trace it back 2000 years don’t make it right. This kid went to Catholic School for 8 years and CCD in high school…I wonder if I can get a refund 😛 Just kidding. 😛 I guess I didn’t do a very good job either in the religion department.

Butterfly…Your in my prayer too. My husband was raised Catholic but didn’t go to church after he got out of high school.

Has anyone heard of Couple for Christ and what kind of organization they are? Where are they located in Texas?
La Chiara:
I have come to realize that while we Catholics may respect Protestants and their religions, many Protestants (especially the fundamentalists) do not respect ours. I believe the first step is for Catholics to be aware of this.

I started to sense that many “Christians” in my non-denominational Bible study group did not view Catholics as Christian. My observations were confirmed by a book by Karl Keating who is also founder of Catholic Answers and of this web site. The book is “Catholicism and Fundamentalism”. It is worth reading and will help you know what you are up against.


Buy your son a copy of Karl’s book. Maybe buy him the tape set so he can listen in the car. This is a powerful apologetic tool. If you can convince him not to make the move until he has heard the case fairly, keep up your prayer barrage, and don’t harass him, Catholicism and Fundamentalism is likely at least to slow down the train. You might tell him that for the past 40 years the Catholic Church has done a pretty poor job of catechesis, and even a “good” Catholic education is probably not up to the challenge of a concerted Protestant assault. Catholics teach for faith, not for war. Fundamentalists find us easy pickins’.
If you get a chance to view or listen to the Mass on EWTN today (Sunday, August 22), the last part of the Homily deals with your situation about your son wanting to leave the Catholic Church. AND the ending also gives you hope as well.
You DID NOT fail in our attempt to raise your son in the Catholic Faith.
Simply to summerize the Homily, Christ gives EVERYONE the right to choose to ACCEPT Him or REJECT Him.
Please listen to this Homily.
and go the the audio library sections.
(If you do not get a chance to listen to the Homily today), it will be archived.

go with God!
I also left the Church, in 1994 when I married my 2nd wife, mostly because I didn’t want to bother with the annulment process. My mother was feeling a lot of what you are going through, though I didn’t think much of it at the time. A few years later I felt the need to go to church so we joined an Episcopal church, again causing my mother great heartache. But the nudging of the Holy Spirit never went away, as I ignored it for years. Finally last fall I couldn’t say “no” to Him any longer, and returned to the Church. We began the annulment process, (it’s still in process), and I just cannot wait until I can receive the sacraments again, and we can have our marriage validated. I am a much stronger Catholic than I ever could have been if I had not left, and returned realizing what I had lost. There were too many unanswerable questions in protestant bible study, too many verses have to be discounted or ignored because they don’t make sense, except in the context of the Catholic Church. Keep praying as my mother did, and I’m sure he will return some day and be greatful, as I am.
Ann: You deserve a refund!!! My parents too, they put my brother and I in catholic schools and we learned very little about our faith. I barely knew the pope was catholic!!! My brother hates the church and I returned after the birth of my 11 yod. Homeschooling her, Catholic Answers and catholic radio has changed my life.

Why can’t you sit down with your son(and dil) and ask them to atleast read some things that discuss the catholic side of what he is learning from his friends at work. There are so many good books and radio programs, why is he so quick to believe these people who don’t love him like you and so quick to toss away the catholic faith without really learning it. This is the most important decision he is making and will be leading his wife and family so he should really take it serious and investigate it with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I think sometimes it is difficult to discuss this with family, he can feel free to email me to discuss it. ilovekevin138@yahoo.com

I don’t know if anyone mentioned it but Suprised by Truth is very good, of course Catholicism and Fundamentalism compares and discusses differences in beliefs.

God bless,
Well my son is still church shopping. First he tried the Baptist Church…said he felt like he was a giant infommercial. Next he tried the Methodist…said it was very similar the the Catholic Church. I think he is still shopping, don’t really know. I don’t discuss this subject anymore unless he ask about the Catholic Faith. I love him, he loves me and we are on very good terms.
I decided I could no longer debate with him because I could not sleep after of our long discussions, so now I just pray. I feel much more at peace now. You know the old saying…you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. I put it all in God’s hands. 👍
Thanks to everybody for the encourging words.
tell him that he needs to honor his mother? At least one last time anyway. Get “crossing the tiber” by stephen raye and ask him to read it. tell him also that because you love him sooooo much, he’s putting his salvation in jeopardy by leaving the one true Church.:bigyikes: (certain conditions apply, of course). I’ll be praying for you!!

peace and :love:
I’ve tried talking to him but all he wants to do is argue so I decided to just pray about it. Not much else I can do.
Pray unceasingly, on Patrick Madrid’s show on EWTN he has spoke about these situations.
My experience with the protestants in our home schooling group years ago was they searched for a weak link in your chain and tried to pull you out of the church by using this method. I saw it time and time again with many of my Catholic friends also.
Don’t argue, if you believe your church to truly be the real church there is no room to argue. Do read all the scripture passages they are throwing at him, study those and look where the truth is found. Because the purgatory statements, statements against Mary, their statement on faith alone. Etc. etc. they are simply bits and pieces of the bible that they like to throw around. I have seen many walk for a short time and return home. (The Journey Home is a true testament to that) But I would pray and write every prayer site online if it were my son.
I have always taught my children this statement.
I could give you a million dollars or I could give you a true and wonderful faith. I would burn the million dollars before I would ever have given up on the teachings of the faith.
Stay strong, don’t argue, seek to imitate Christ and they will see the happiness and strength within you and come back home!
Oh and PS pray the prayer to the Holy Spirit before engaging in a religous argument or discussion! I will pray for your son.👋
Dearest Ann, Sister in Christ:

I feel for you and the pain and dilemma you’re in. Sounds like to me, your son really is in need of some friendship and “fellowship” more than anything else right now in his life, and he is finding such in this “separated bretheran” church and its people. This, he can find at some local group catering to his interests, whether they be in the creative realm, whatever his interests and needs are. Encourage him to do that!!!. This has nothing to do really with his faith, as he knows I’m sure that his Catholic Faith is deeply inmeshed in his person, his being, his heart. Hopefully, but I know as his mom you are so concerned with this.

I would encourage him and tell him to not be swayed with those who “try to be all lovey dovey”, tell him he’s missing out, etc. and associate this with the faith, for I think it is really something else. Many Protestants and Fundamentalists turn to this facet due to much lacking in their lives as a whole. They find solace in it. Yet, it doesn’t ultimately fulfill their spiritual life, as their, the Protestant teachings are most inadequate in the long run. Let your son know your feelings. Tell him he must be searching for something, and regarding his faith issue, he knows what is correct and true. If he needs something else, see a counselor, seek it elsewhere, but don’t turn on the (HIS) Catholic Faith which he KNOWS is true. It is so easy, I see it too, as a mom and a family who attends Wednesday nite Calvary Chapel, the Fundamentalist movement is very appealing, all the “emotion”, etc…it’s very easy for young people to gravitate to this. But inevitably it’s not enough. But all in all, be thankful your son is following the Lord in his life, at all. This is such a gift.

God Bless You~~
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