Dearest Ann, Sister in Christ:
I feel for you and the pain and dilemma you’re in. Sounds like to me, your son really is in need of some friendship and “fellowship” more than anything else right now in his life, and he is finding such in this “separated bretheran” church and its people. This, he can find at some local group catering to his interests, whether they be in the creative realm, whatever his interests and needs are. Encourage him to do that!!!. This has nothing to do really with his faith, as he knows I’m sure that his Catholic Faith is deeply inmeshed in his person, his being, his heart. Hopefully, but I know as his mom you are so concerned with this.
I would encourage him and tell him to not be swayed with those who “try to be all lovey dovey”, tell him he’s missing out, etc. and associate this with the faith, for I think it is really something else. Many Protestants and Fundamentalists turn to this facet due to much lacking in their lives as a whole. They find solace in it. Yet, it doesn’t ultimately fulfill their spiritual life, as their, the Protestant teachings are most inadequate in the long run. Let your son know your feelings. Tell him he must be searching for something, and regarding his faith issue, he knows what is correct and true. If he needs something else, see a counselor, seek it elsewhere, but don’t turn on the (HIS) Catholic Faith which he KNOWS is true. It is so easy, I see it too, as a mom and a family who attends Wednesday nite Calvary Chapel, the Fundamentalist movement is very appealing, all the “emotion”, etc…it’s very easy for young people to gravitate to this. But inevitably it’s not enough. But all in all, be thankful your son is following the Lord in his life, at all. This is such a gift.
God Bless You~~