I'm sorry; I can't speak that way

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I’ve seen the gender neutral new pronouns spoken about but have never seen anyone seriously insist upon them. And I hang with and lurk online in many very liberal circles. I’ve known many trans people, and genderqueer people,and have had the pleasure of talking to many many more and nobody has ever taken those pronouns seriously…

I guess what political correctness comes down to me is being kind to one another. … I know people who really would prefer people use their middle name because their first name is full of painful memories. But we don’t go "no, no. You are Christine. Don’t deny what you are. Louise?.. (I don’t agree with it, but I know what your reasons are) But is it denying who they are by saying they and them if it is something they care about?
And so it begins…no, no, this isn’t actually happening, but if you’re a nice person, you’d do it!

Actually, as a result of an acquaintance, I AM familiar with multiple forums where people ARE being booted off even for accidentally getting a wrong ‘pronoun.’ Considering that we’ve long since seen people forced into ‘re-education camp’ by employers, actually I don’t think this is a stretch of the imagination AT ALL to think the day is coming when people are forced to say ‘ze’ and ‘zer’ and so on.

Let’s keep in mind, there’s a woman in Norway who thinks she’s a cat trapped in a human body. Is it ‘only kind’ to pretend with her that she’s a cat?

I recall a story about a woman ‘marrying’ a roller coaster. Is it only kind to agree with her that a roller coaster is her beloved spouse?

There’s a story out there about a couple of women who ‘married’ each other–who turned out to be mother and daughter. Those who insisted we must pretend two women can marry–are they okay with a mother and daughter?

What I find stunning is how these people seem to think that the moment THEY (‘ZE?’) change their minds and decide on something, everybody is automatically expected to follow suit. What makes these people so special that their personal beliefs are now my obligation? Why aren’t MY personal beliefs now THEIR obligation?
The neutral pronoun used to be he, him, his, believe it or not, before the feminists got their bras in a twist over it. Those pronouns were only used in writing, though, not in addressing people in person.

Once upon a time, long, long ago it seems now, women dressed in dresses and men in pants. It was pretty easy to tell who was who. If a man was dressed as a woman, he was addressed as “she” in the belief that only a woman would publically dress as a woman. Women who dressed in pants still wore something feminine with it because that’s what women wore, and not men. That’s no longer the case. Still, the whole identifying oneself as a different gender from one’s biology is a matter for psychologists and physicians not politicians.

I meet few people on a daily basis, but if a person presents himself to me as a man, I address him as such and the same if a person presents herself as a woman–why should it be up to me to determine what the person really is? I’m certainly not going to demand s/he prove it to my satisfaction.

As for made-up pronouns meant to force definitions onto us, I’ll never use them–it’s just plain silly. Just as silly as banning Christmas Santas from saying “Ho, ho, ho” for fear of calling women “whores,” which the PC crowd tried to force on everyone a few years ago. It was a whole lot of hoopla over nothing then, and so is this.
My note has to do with your bottom doxology. Which goes CHANGE THOSE WHO HATE W YOUR LOVE. Yes, predjudice can be changed w constant love ❤️ from the supposed enemy but Evil exists and Hitler could not be changed w a hug. I wish as you wrote it, it could happen. God help us in these troubled times. in your Holy name. Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. in Christ’s love,
My note has to do with your bottom doxology. Which goes CHANGE THOSE WHO HATE W YOUR LOVE. Yes, predjudice can be changed w constant love ❤️ from the supposed enemy but Evil exists and Hitler could not be changed w a hug. I wish as you wrote it, it could happen. God help us in these troubled times. in your Holy name. Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. in Christ’s love,
Are you sure you’re responding to my post? Because I haven’t the foggiest idea what you’re talking about. 🤷 🙂
Personally, I’d like the introduction of xe, xir… to an extent. Here’s why.

1: There are times I can’t tell what gender a straight person is and it can be awkward to ask so the introduction of those words could buy some time.
2: When referring to someone where the gender isn’t known (imagine a document saying ‘your student’) it’d be a bit easier than he/she every time.
3: It’d be useful with Pro-Life efforts. Instead of referring to babies as an impersonal ‘it’ or ‘they’, you could use a personal word to help drive the point that they’re people.

That all said, I’d still want to rely on ‘he’ and ‘she’ much more, but there are valid reasons for those pronouns IMO.
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