My first impulse was to encourage you to be a beacon of positive Catholic influence on the children who come into your classroom.
After reading your subsequent posts, it may very well be that you aren’t cut out for working with teenage children. If you don’t want to have your authority challenged, teaching is not the right job for you–that’s what children do. Teenagers especially.
If you stay on as a teacher, you might benefit from studying child and adolescent psychology, because from the sound of it, you really wish you could run your classroom like a church where you preach at sinners. In some Catholic schools you can probably get away with it, but apparently, not everywhere.
You might be better off dealing with adults.
A kid in your class looks at his phone? Confiscate his phone.
He draws pornographic pictures in class? Warn him once, then call his parents.
Discipline and move on. Repeat as necessary.
After reading your subsequent posts, it may very well be that you aren’t cut out for working with teenage children. If you don’t want to have your authority challenged, teaching is not the right job for you–that’s what children do. Teenagers especially.
If you stay on as a teacher, you might benefit from studying child and adolescent psychology, because from the sound of it, you really wish you could run your classroom like a church where you preach at sinners. In some Catholic schools you can probably get away with it, but apparently, not everywhere.
You might be better off dealing with adults.
A kid in your class looks at his phone? Confiscate his phone.
He draws pornographic pictures in class? Warn him once, then call his parents.
Discipline and move on. Repeat as necessary.