Imagine a World with No United States

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Victor Davis Hanson: “Imagine a world in which there was no United States during the last 15 years. Iraq, Iran, and Libya would now have nukes. Afghanistan would remain a seventh-century Islamic terrorist haven sending out the minions of Zarqawi and Bin Laden worldwide. The lieutenants of Noriega, Milosevic, Mullah Omar, Saddam, and Moammar Khaddafi would no doubt be adjudicating human rights at the United Nations. The Ortega Brothers and Fidel Castro, not democracy, would be the exemplars of Latin America. Bosnia and Kosovo would be national graveyards like Pol Pot’s Cambodia. Add in Kurdistan as well - the periodic laboratory for Saddam’s latest varieties of gas. Saddam himself, of course, would have statues throughout the Gulf attesting to his control of half the world’s oil reservoirs.” (“The Disenchanted American,” National Review Online, January 9, 2005)
because of course Britain, Europe, Australia, Canada and the rest of the civilised world would have done nothing of course:rolleyes:
what is the point you are trying to make here!
Eastern Europe and China would win a lot more medals at the Olympics.
And if there were no United States for the last 15 years, there’d also be 22.5 million less abortions in the world!
because of course Britain, Europe, Australia, Canada and the rest of the civilised world would have done nothing of course:rolleyes:
what is the point you are trying to make here!
No that isn’t the point. It does ask you to suspend your belief for a moment…that the British won the War of Independence, and the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, etc would never had existed. The economic prosperity that comes out of those documents would not have been in existence to finance and fight for democracy’s sake in WWI…even had Britain, etc won??..Chamberlain would still have been puckering up to Hitler in the 30’s, and without, again, US freemarketplace money and manpower, we might all be speaking German today. USSR nukes?? Oh youbetcha. NAZI nukes, is more like it. :eek: Wahabbi nukes?? Yes, again.

AND besides…Victor Davis Hansen is all most always right. 🙂
No that isn’t the point. It does ask you to suspend your belief for a moment…that the British won the War of Independence, and the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, etc would never had existed.
I believed you missed the first sentence: “Imagine a world in which there was no United States for the last 15 years…”
the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, etc would never had existed. The economic prosperity that comes out of those documents would not have been in existence…
Then history would have been entirely different and we can’t assume that events in the last century and in this century would have otherwise been the same, as you presume.
I believed you missed the first sentence: “Imagine a world in which there was no United States for the last 15 years…”
Oops. Thanks for the correction.

Given the politic of Europe, VDH’s premise holds water.
Then history would have been entirely different and we can’t assume that events in the last century and in this century would have otherwise been the same, as you presume.
because of course Britain, Europe, Australia, Canada and the rest of the civilised world would have done nothing of course:rolleyes:
Of course they would do nothing. Victor Hanson is right on target.
maybe the world would be a better place without the US using up a vast share of global resources, heck it might even reduce the potentially disastrous climate change they pretend doesn’t exist!
I think VDH’s point was to show how much the US has done in the last 15 years.
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