Immaculate Conception

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The evidence for the existence of God is all around you.

I want you to consider this:
You are logging on to this forum for one of two reasons…
  1. You are trying to cause discord and harm the peaceful faith of others by tearing down their beliefs.
NOPE–i don’t think this is the case–you seem to be respectful enopugh in your posts and you aren’t being insulting.

  1. Something else has drawn you to this forum–an empty space that needs to be filled–you have a longing in you and you find yourself communicating with someone across the Atlantic–and now she’s praying for you!
Peace and Love!
No, there is no proof. Give me a site with reasonable proof for God’s existance.
Led Zeppelin75:
No, there is no proof. Give me a site with reasonable proof for God’s existance.

Read with a willingness to understand–

I must leave my computer now–but I will continue to pray and I do check back often.

Peace! I do so wish you peace!
st_felicity said:

Read with a willingness to understand–

I must leave my computer now–but I will continue to pray and I do check back often.

Peace! I do so wish you peace!

I just read it and I am not that impressed. Alot of it is based on false assumptions and ignorance of science and scientific concepts. Moreover, if god existed, how do you know it’s your god? What about all the other supposed god(s)? We’re both atheists, my freind. I just believe in one less God than you do.
(And, to bring back the thread to the topic at hand, even if it is only for one post…) ¿QUIEN CAUSA TANTA ALEGRIA?


And Zeppelin… I will pray for you also.
The difference between science and religion is this: When a fact comes along that disagrees with a scientifc theory, science replaces the theory to a better one. In religion when a fact comes along that disagrees with the religious theory, they ignore the fact.
Led Zeppelin75:
The difference between science and religion is this: When a fact comes along that disagrees with a scientifc theory, science replaces the theory to a better one. In religion when a fact comes along that disagrees with the religious theory, they ignore the fact.
That is not always true. Sometimes individuals become so invested in their theories that they take on a life of there own.

How about “Global Warming”? Scientists who disagree with the “Global Warming” crowd are not listened to and ignored. When the president gives them a forum to speak at he is critizied.

Or what about Clovis man? Clovis man is said to be the first human culture in the Americas. But some have found evidence of a pre-Clovis culture in the Americas, about 7000 years earlier. They are ignored.

Science is not as pure as you wish to make it.
That is not always true. Sometimes individuals become so invested in their theories that they take on a life of there own.

How about “Global Warming”? Scientists who disagree with the “Global Warming” crowd are not listened to and ignored. When the president gives them a forum to speak at he is critizied.

Or what about Clovis man? Clovis man is said to be the first human culture in the Americas. But some have found evidence of a pre-Clovis culture in the Americas, about 7000 years earlier. They are ignored.

Science is not as pure as you wish to make it.
First off, you’re misguided. The “theorys” I was speaking of are scientific laws. Like the heliocentric theory refuting the geocentric theory. That’s a prime exapmle of what I said.
Led Zeppelin75:
First off, you’re misguided. The “theorys” I was speaking of are scientific laws. Like the heliocentric theory refuting the geocentric theory. That’s a prime exapmle of what I said.
The Heliocentric theory is not a scientific law. It is not considered to be even though it is widely accepted by most scientists.
Please provide scientific proof that scientific proof is the basis of all knowledge. Provide scientific proof that matter is all there is in the universe. Provide scientific proof that science is good.

The Heliocentric theory is not a scientific law. It is not considered to be even though it is widely accepted by most scientists.
**LOL! **First off, yes it IS a law! “widely accepted by most scientist” don’t you mean ALL scientists. Good God! And I thought denial of evolution was wacky!

“Please provide scientific proof that scientific proof is the basis of all knowledge. Provide scientific proof that matter is all there is in the universe. Provide scientific proof that science is good.”

LOL… Science is a study of all knowlage… therefore scientific laws are correct. “Provide scientific proof that matter is all there is in the universe.”

–Because there is nothing else discovered! Using the proper equipment, scientists have witnessed the forming of the universe.

Long ago when humans lived in small tribes, they looked to the world, they seen things such as the weather and said to themselves “Oh my! someone like ourselves but much more powerful must be doing this!” wallah! thats how god(s) were born. We now no what causes the weather. “Demon Possesion” was looked at as a real thing… we now know this is mental illness. The examples are endless. Your god is no different. Why does the earth need a creator? I see no elements of design whatsoever. earth quakes, violent storms, tornadoes, disease, ect, ect. Humans are constantly struggling to overcome the environment. Thanks to our enlarged brain we have managed to do rather well at it however humans have not been around very long, we are new comers to the earth. out of the 4.5 billion years of earth history we are only but a smude on its timeline.

I fail to see any elements of design in earth let alone the universe and I see no reason for there to be a “creator”. As the well known question goes “Who created the creator”. Most christians will answer “he always existed”. Isnt that rather hypocritical? the truth is saying “god did it!” doesnt make sense of anything… it just makes it needlessly complex.

Also it begs the question… created for whom? The universe is most likely infinite, we are one of hundreds of trillions of planets floating around in even more galaxies. How arrogant to think it was created all for us. I mean if this world was created for anything… why not insects? You can find insects everywhere in the world, they outnumber all forms of other life (mammalian, reptiles, fish,birds) and infact even feed off of us! Whos to say we arnt the insects housemaids?

despite what you believe something does come from “nothing”. it is a fact. Subatomic particles appear from “nothing” with absolutely no purpouse whatsoever. It is very possible the universe started in the same way. I suggest people research quantam physics for further info on this but needless to say things do come from nothing all the time… this is a fact. Time did not begin untill this universe formed, indeed we may well be one of many universes out there being spit out rapidly. That is only one of many possibilities, but its likely that this universe has always existed in some form or another.

Now about the question of evil. If god is all knowing… meaning he knows the past, the present, and the future… then how can we be blamd for anyting? and how can we possibly have “free will”? An 80 year old atheist who lived a good and “moral” life but could not believe in a god because there is not sufficient proof, he dies and spends eternity in hell. However before this god even thought about making the man he knew every little thing he would ever do yet he still sends him to hell? How did the man have free will? and how possibly can he be blamed?

It is like giving a gun to a 4 year old and then blaming that 4 year old when someone ends up dead. It is absurd.

It also raises the question… if there is a god, then is time progressive or happening all at once? If time is happening all at once then does that mean I’m already in hell yet just not aware of it? and if time is progressive then how can god possibly know the future? but if he doesnt know the future then how can he possibly be omnipotent?

“provide sceintific proof that science is good.”

Comment removed.
My, my…THAT was a rather explosive diatribe…what exactly is it that has gotten you so agitated?

Led Zeppelin75 said:
Comment removed.

Just wondering…

Why are you here? If you’re not wanting to learn and have respectful dialogue, what is your motive for being on these forums? Maybe you are questioning more than you’re letting on. Maybe God is leading you here for a reason, even though you may completely deny that. Maybe a seed has already been planted in your heart.

One thing is for sure – there are a lot of us praying for you!

As the charity level has deteriorated significantly, this thread is closed. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion.**
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