Do you want to come back as a Zombie or something

Seriously, why would God want a souless body?
Timothy is saying God is immortal by nature, it is his very nature to be immortal. We will be immortal through God’s causality. Also God’s immortality extends backwards through eternity and forward as well. Our extends only foreward from the date of our birth.
It would have been nice if the writers of scripture would have taken the space to make things like this crystal clear. And maybe they did in their preaching, but there was no paper, no typewriters, no ball point pens, not spell check, no erasers, and not many writers, and not much time to write in those days. Besides, they were called to preach, they had little time to write and did so only when necessary… So the Holy Spirit left it to his Church to make clear the things which are difficult to understand.
God Bless