Impeach the Evolution Judge - Start Today

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Here we go. Evolution, as we expected, is now being used by judges to mock and restrict faith in God.

This is the sticker the judge ruled against:

"This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered."

Notice it says NOTHING about God. It just states the obvious - that evolutionary theory is just that - a theory - ESPECIALLY as it pertains to the origins of life. Evolutionary theory as it pertains to the origins of life is as much a fact as me saying the moon is made out of cheese.

From this judge’s(Clarence Cooper) ludicrous decision in which he overstepped his bench to shove his pompous view of the world overtop 2000+ parents and their children:

"Due to the manner in which the sticker refers to evolution as a theory, the sticker also has the effect of undermining evolution education to the benefit of those Cobb County citizens who would prefer that students maintain their religious beliefs regarding the origin of life,"

Ahhhhh - now we see the motivation and the effect the judge really wants. This has nothing to do about good science from his perspective. As he states, he does not want “Cobb County citizens to maintain their religoius beliefs regarding the origins of life.” He wants this so much, he is willing to strike down anything that may cause questions regarding the only other alternate theory about the origins of life, even while having to admit himself that this alternate theory is ANYTHING but factual.

I call on the Cobb County citizens to start a movement to impeach this judge. It is only when citizens do this that this utter nonsense will stop in our public schools. An alternate option is pull everyone out of public schools. It is the parents that are primarily responsible for the education of their children and you cannot allow a few anti-Christians to not only mold impresionable minds away from God, but give them junk learning in the process.
I wish they would put more emphasis on teaching music theory as fact - have you heard some of these modern composers?

However, I do wish there was a sticker on my chemistry text stating that Frontier molecular orbital theory was just that - a theory. I think they’re pushing some kind of agenda with that one.
Did you ask how the judge knew about those stickers?

A person has to be a “super-zelot” to use the judges bench to rule on a sticker on a book cover of a text book.

Was the ACLU involved? Then, who told them? Maybe some Atheist or maybe a Jew. There are a high percentage of Jews in Atlanta.
God’s creation of the world and mankind isnt a proven fact either, it is our faith, it is what we all beleive, but there is no definitive proof that God created us all. Would you all be ok if they had that same disclaimer on the front of bibles?
God’s creation of the world and mankind isnt a proven fact either, it is our faith, it is what we all beleive, but there is no definitive proof that God created us all. Would you all be ok if they had that same disclaimer on the front of bibles?
Of course I would not be ok with that. Here’s why:
  1. The Bible is the Sacred Word of God, and therefore cannot error, to believers - such a disclaimer would completely contradict that claim - which has been made for the past 2000 years. The words of the Bible depend on Divine Revlelation, not the scientific method. However, that does not mean that such faith goes against reason - in fact, they go hand in hand.
  2. The Bible is not taught as scientific fact in any school to impressionable young children.
Are you agreeing with the judge - that something that is not a fact can be taught as fact, even if it compromises the most basic and important things that a parent wishes his/her child to learn. Because that is what his ruling says, irregardless of your belief level in evolutionary theory.
if you want to form a group to go to the time and trouble of impeaching a judge, I suggest you target federal judges that cross the boundary from judging law to making law and superseding the will of the people through their elected representatives, in the matter of law regarding the abortion industry. Belief in evolution is not directly killing over a million babies each year.
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