I hope this will help you in some way or another. I know your fear first hand.
Like I said… this reminds me of myself back in 2016. I wanted to enter the religious life as a lay brother. I too was afraid of my -very- sinful past (I was guilty of worse things than you). I got an advice to the same question: The advice was to talk with the formation mentor who was my contact in the monastery in which I was about to enter… SO basically I went and confessed - again my sins, everything and was told that there is nothing holding me back from entering. In November 2016 my entry would begin with regular steps.
For some reason 2016 was also the same year that my OCD took off and it attacked my spiritual life. Basically I became terribly scrupulous. This became for me an obstruction because of which I could not entered.
Not only was I unable to enter… What started back then escalated. The priest who was in the beginning my formation mentor, was now my very patient confessor. This priest died last year and since then I needed to find a new spiritual director. Only this year, things have started to slowly getting better.
Was I not called for a religious life?
I don’t know. I gave it a try. I know that until I have my scrupulosity taken care of, I can not dream of entering anywhere. Sometimes I feel like I am not where I should be, because I don’t feel called to marriage at all - to the point of certainty. God knows everything. God’s will be done!
May Lord get you where He wants you!
If that is religious life, you’ll be able to enter.
Just remember that the devil wants to interfere as well. Don’t let him.
p.s. sorry had to write this really fast. I am reachable with private message
I hope this will help you in some way or another. I know your fear first hand.
Like I said… this reminds me of myself back in 2016. I wanted to enter the religious life as a lay brother. I too was afraid of my -very- sinful past (I was guilty of worse things than you). I got an advice to the same question: The advice was to talk with the formation mentor who was my contact in the monastery in which I was about to enter… SO basically I went and confessed - again my sins, everything and was told that there is nothing holding me back from entering. In November 2016 my entry would begin with regular steps.
For some reason 2016 was also the same year that my OCD took off and it attacked my spiritual life. Basically I became terribly scrupulous. This became for me an obstruction because of which I could not entered.
Not only was I unable to enter… What started back then escalated. The priest who was in the beginning my formation mentor, was now my very patient confessor. This priest died last year and since then I needed to find a new spiritual director. Only this year, things have started to slowly getting better.
Was I not called for a religious life?
I don’t know. I gave it a try. I know that until I have my scrupulosity taken care of, I can not dream of entering anywhere. Sometimes I feel like I am not where I should be, because I don’t feel called to marriage at all - to the point of certainty. God knows everything. God’s will be done!
May Lord get you where He wants you!
If that is religious life, you’ll be able to enter.
Just remember that the devil wants to interfere as well. Don’t let him.
p.s. sorry had to write this really fast. I am reachable with private message
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