The implantable chip
A tiny electronic device, consisting of an array of transistors - probably on a single die, capacitors, resistors, boolean gates, solid-state memory, an antenna, and a fuel cell to keep it going for a hundred years. All of which serve for basically one purpose: to transmit a code, probably either a 64-bit or a 128-bit binary number (the latter of which, alowing for 340,282,367,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - that’s 340 undecillion - possiblities, would be a virtually limitless labelling method). This code is picked up by scanners so that you don’t need to manually checkout, flash ID cards, or purchase tickets.
The mark of the beast
Well, we don’t know exactly what it is, but it’s a mark that either appears on the forehead or on the right palm. It’s an image that can be worshipped, and 666 comes into play somehow.
Some people think - or worse, are completely convinced - that these are one and the same.
The same people thought the same about Social Security cards, driver’s licences, and just about all other forms of identification no doubt.
The implantable chip wouldn’t even go in the palm or forehead.
First, the palm is skin. If it went into the hand, it wouldn’t be the palm; it would be the hand. But having a grain-of-rice sized capsule in one’s right hand would limit the delicate mobility, impede dexterity, and most likely catch on bones and whatnot.
If it went into the forehead, it would telescope through the skin. You can feel your cranium through your forehead’s skin, and if there was a grain-of-rice sized chip in your forehead, you’d be able to feel that too. Unless it went behind the skull, in which case it would no longer be the forehead.
A tiny electronic device, consisting of an array of transistors - probably on a single die, capacitors, resistors, boolean gates, solid-state memory, an antenna, and a fuel cell to keep it going for a hundred years. All of which serve for basically one purpose: to transmit a code, probably either a 64-bit or a 128-bit binary number (the latter of which, alowing for 340,282,367,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - that’s 340 undecillion - possiblities, would be a virtually limitless labelling method). This code is picked up by scanners so that you don’t need to manually checkout, flash ID cards, or purchase tickets.
The mark of the beast
Well, we don’t know exactly what it is, but it’s a mark that either appears on the forehead or on the right palm. It’s an image that can be worshipped, and 666 comes into play somehow.
Some people think - or worse, are completely convinced - that these are one and the same.
The same people thought the same about Social Security cards, driver’s licences, and just about all other forms of identification no doubt.
The implantable chip wouldn’t even go in the palm or forehead.
First, the palm is skin. If it went into the hand, it wouldn’t be the palm; it would be the hand. But having a grain-of-rice sized capsule in one’s right hand would limit the delicate mobility, impede dexterity, and most likely catch on bones and whatnot.
If it went into the forehead, it would telescope through the skin. You can feel your cranium through your forehead’s skin, and if there was a grain-of-rice sized chip in your forehead, you’d be able to feel that too. Unless it went behind the skull, in which case it would no longer be the forehead.