Now, have you actually read the book? While I practice what you practice as well (in terms of reading critics… and supporters… of various theories), I found it personally necessary to actually read the book.
Now that’s a good question! I did read the book, but while I was reading the book, I was rather irate and I did not focus on critically analyzing its methods and sources. Tersely, yes and no will aptly answer your question.
I did skip some parts, but some excerpts of the book are rather poignant such as the failure of social intervention to increase intelligence, and the penultimate chapter “The Way We are Heading” as it described a society of alienation. The opening chapter “The Emergence of the Cognitive Elite” disgusted me as I can discern Herrnstein and Murray’s condescending tone in that chapter. I did omit sections on employment and affirmative action though.
I have to admit I failed to absorb most of its material presented in
The Bell Curve because I simply didn’t like the content and if one acknowledges the veracity of their thesis one has to abandon their quixotic dreams of an egalitarian society. So I did my best to simply forget it. It is easier to call Murray and Herrnstein invectives such as “racists” than actually addressing the material. I know the importance of reading the primary source material (I failed to do this when I read
The Bell Curve) as accessing journal articles was integral to my previous interest: the origin of life. In contrast, that topic does not evoke such acerbic responses so I could delve into that topic without pursuing a political agenda. Don’t imply that I lack the reading comprehension skills necessary because I read scientific papers that have complex expositions and concepts when compared to the content of
The Bell Curve. One such paper includes: .
However, Linda Gottfredson’s papers (most notably “Why g Matters”) are regurgitations of the content of the book so I read those papers when I did not have access to that book. This caused my patina of denial to eventually crumble.
What convinced of the reality of group differences are the principles of evolutionary biology. For example: .
This is also discussed in
Race Differences in Intelligence which I am currently reading.
Hey Rib, I just checked out your profile:
I am proud godless liberal
No religion/ egalitarianism
I think there’s an agenda somewhere, but it is not in the Bell Curve per se.
Regarding my “agenda,” I was always skeptical of organized religion. I must add that I was initially opposed to the thesis of
The Bell Curve and I believe humans ought to be equal (although this is empirically false). Personally, I prefer a society where everyone is treated with equal dignity and I believe that we have to invoke drastic measures to rectify and ameliorate human inequality such as embryo selection. However, embryo selection might exacerbate this inequalities as Lynn points out in
Eugenics because it is rather unlikely that everyone will use embryo selection.
So many social problems that come about from the individual (out of wedlock childbirth, etc) come from people making bad choices. Certainly this is not at odds with our Christian belief. The study add to the knowledge that we have, and no study is the be-all end-all. Of course, I read everything with a critical eye, even the Bell Curve.
Other factors play a role, of course, such as a strong work ethic (which is something that I lack).
However, I promise to read
Race Differences in Intelligence and if possible
IQ and Global Inequality carefully.