if only those explanations are in the bible itself. but its not, so those are but nothing but post bible innovations. the fact still remains that in the bible God spends time.Through Scripture, God discloses his character and will in language and images that make sense to the average human. The language used in the Bible to describe God and his “actions” is referred to by biblical scholars as “anthropomorphism,” which is to describe God by reference to the attributes of his creatures. Therefore, Scripture speaks of God “seeing,” “hearing,” “speaking,” reaching out his “hand,” “coming down to see,” “smelling,” etc. These are simply anthropomorphisms designed to communicate truths about God to his finite creatures. How else, after all, may the finite begin to comprehend the infinite?
prove it. quote them saying that god is ‘outside of time’.It’s hardly “recent,” given the fact that St. Augustine wrote about it copiously in the 300s A.D. Even before Augustine, however, it was discussed by other early Church Fathers.
my friend, infinity involves time.No doubt it seems “illogical and absurd” to you because you insist on trying to apply a wholly finite and creaturely reality (time) to an absolutely infinite and self-existent Being. This, I would agree, is indeed entirely illogical and absurd. My advice is to stop doing it immediately.![]()